During the time of the Galactic Republic, a summit was held on Station Zeta between the Plinovian and Solodoe species. The Solodoe wished to terraform the planet Plin Minor, which would lead to the destruction of much of the Plinovians' natural habitat. The Jedi Order assisted with the negotiations, sending the Jedi Rael Averross and Arath Tarrex as diplomats. After six months, the talks hit a roadblock when Tarrex, having become indebted to the station's casino, stole the valuable mythra seal of office of the Solodoe ambassador Ketas. Ketas accused the Plinovian ambassador of the theft, which led the riled gaseous Plinovian to self-combust. The Jedi Master Dooku and his Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn, who were aboard the station at the time, managed to discover that Tarrex had stolen the seal, but the negotiations had already been ruined.