Twelfth Pius Dea Crusade

The crusade

When the planet Zarracina III was discovered by the Galactic Republic in 11,660 BBY, the Republic forces attempted to conquer the native Zarracines. However, the Zarracines resisted the Pius Dea-controlled government's attempt, and in response the Republic bombarded the planet's surface. The attack drove the Zarracines to extinction and irradiated the planet's surface, destroying all life.

The Republic forces also launched an attack against the Teirasans of the Teirasa system from Ord Dorlass and Ord Zynthar, battling the Teirasans to an unknown outcome.

Behind the scenes

The destruction of Zarracina III, part of the Twelfth Pius Dea Crusade, first appeared in the story Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Praji. The crusade was further expanded upon in the 2012 reference guide The Essential Guide to Warfare.

