During the Galactic Civil War, an alien served in the Rebel Alliance. The rebel was stationed at Echo Base, the Alliance High Command's secret base on the ice planet Hoth, in 3 ABY. One day, the alien sat in the mess hall with the special forces soldier Kryndal and a female rebel. The three debated a scenario in which the Alliance took the Core Worlds and the capital planet Coruscant, the alien and the woman giving alternative plans to Kryndal. However, First Sergeant Hazram Namir, who sat opposite the three, interjected and set out his own scenario, claiming that not all of Coruscant's population comply with the Alliance.
The alien briefly said something to Kryndal, tugging the soldier's arm, though Namir could not make out the statement. The first sergeant then continued to argue against Kryndal's ideas and insult his and the female rebel's passion for the Alliance leaders, prompting a fight with Kryndal. Some days later, the Galactic Empire attacked Echo Base. The alien rebel was shot dead after Imperial troops entered the base. Namir stumbled upon the alien's body while scouting an escape route for his own comrades, noticing that the rebel's body was rapidly cooling.
The alien was snout-nosed and had an accent that Hazram Namir could not comprehend.
The alien rebel appeared in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed.