
Kryndal was a male human who went through four months of training to join the Rebel Alliance's special forces. In 3 ABY, he found himself stationed at the secret base of the Alliance High Command on the planet Hoth. While there, he collaborated with First Sergeant Hazram Namir from the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry. Kryndal spoke highly of his special forces training to Namir, a fellow soldier, and suggested he undertake it as well.

Later, as the two were dining with others in the mess hall, Namir questioned Kryndal's perspective on the war between the Alliance and the Galactic Empire, predicting internal conflict. After the first sergeant disparaged the belief Kryndal's friend held in the Alliance leaders, Kryndal lashed out at Namir, leading to a brief scuffle that ended with Namir being subdued by the other personnel. Soon after, the Empire attacked Echo Base, and Namir thought he glimpsed Kryndal's lifeless body among a pile of casualties during the conflict.


Stationing at Hoth

Kryndal was stationed at Echo Base (pictured) in 3 ABY.

During the Galactic Civil War that pitted the Rebel Alliance against the Galactic Empire, Kryndal, a human [male](/article/soldier], served the Alliance. He underwent a four months training program to become part of the Alliance Special Forces. By 3 ABY, Kryndal was stationed at Echo Base, the covert headquarters of the Alliance High Command situated on the frozen planet of Hoth. A major strategy conference was held there by the High Command, with invitees including Everi Chalis, an Imperial defector.

While stationed at Echo Base, Kryndal encountered First Sergeant Hazram Namir of the Alliance's 61st Mobile Infantry, who was present as an escort for Chalis and his captain, Micha Evon. Assigned tasks during the conference, Namir assisted Kryndal in warming power converters using welding torches. The special forces soldier informed his new acquaintance that a third of the personnel at Echo Base were former Imperial cadets, while another third had undergone special forces training. After detailing his own training with the Alliance Special Forces, he suggested Namir consider it, but Namir expressed no interest in retraining.

Mess in the hall

Kryndal and his two friends debated scenarios about the Alliance capturing Coruscant (pictured).

Sometime later, Kryndal and Namir were seated at a table with other Echo Base personnel, eating protein cubes. Kryndal was discussing potential scenarios with two others, a woman and an alien with a snout-like nose, regarding how the Alliance might seize the Core Worlds, illustrating them as circles on the table. Hearing Kryndal's optimistic views on the war, Namir decided to interject. He questioned Kryndal about what would happen once they captured Coruscant, the capital world. Kryndal was puzzled by his question, and Namir began to formulate his own scenario for their hypothetical situation. In this scenario, the population of Coruscant refused to cooperate with the Alliance's occupation, forcing the rebels to resort to brutality to maintain control. Despite attempts by Kryndal and one of his companions to challenge Namir's argument, the first sergeant continued without listening.

Kryndal attempted to explain the Alliance's transition strategy, but Namir dismissed it, believing it would crumble as soon as a significant victory was achieved. The first sergeant asserted that the war was merely a power grab by disgruntled senators who missed their opportunity after the [Clone Wars](/article/clone_wars]. Kryndal's female companion disputed this claim, but Namir persisted in his argument and likened their dedication to the Alliance to the fervor of Darth Vader's stormtroopers, a Sith Lord. At that point, Kryndal struck Namir in the chest, and the sergeant seized his hand and threw him across the table. Namir then elbowed someone who attempted to aid Kryndal and pressed his knee into Kryndal's stomach. Before the special forces soldier could sustain further injury, the surrounding soldiers pulled Namir to the ground, and Kryndal's female companion punched the sergeant in the jaw.

Hazram Namir thought might have seen Kryndal dead during the Battle of Hoth (pictured)

As a consequence of the altercation, Namir was assigned to load-lifting duties, during which he recounted the incident to a rebel freighter captain. Several days after the fight, the Empire discovered and attacked Echo Base. During the conflict, Imperial forces breached the base and killed many soldiers, including Kryndal's alien companion from the mess hall. While searching for a safe path to the hangar, Namir stumbled upon a group of bodies, including the alien's, and thought one resembled Kryndal, though he lacked the time to confirm if it was indeed the special forces soldier.

Personality and traits

Kryndal felt deeply about the Rebel Alliance's mission. Hazram Namir, who disagreed with his faction's views, ridiculed how seriously the special forces soldier and his comrades took the cause, seeing Kryndal as a fool. Although his four months with Alliance Special Forces were difficult, Kryndal considered them the most important of his life and suggested the training to Namir, who refused. The soldier was confident that the Alliance would eventually defeat the Empire and seize Coruscant, displaying a smug expression when he argued that the Empire was fighting so hard for a reason.

Despite Namir challenging his opinions about the Galactic Civil War, Kryndal was determined to prove the first sergeant wrong, showing a twisted expression as he tried to argue that the Alliance had strategies for when it won the war. After Namir claimed the Alliance was just a power grab, the special forces soldier silently scowled and clenched his hands. When the first sergeant then compared his passion to the loyalty of Darth Vader's stormtroopers, Kryndal retaliated by attacking the other soldier.

Skills and abilities

During his four months of training with the Alliance Special Forces, Kryndal learned how to use old slugthrowers, disarm proximity mines, and rappel down a ray shield.

Behind the scenes

Kryndal made an appearance in the 2015 novel titled Battlefront: Twilight Company, penned by Alexander Freed.

