Unidentified freighter captain

The leader of a light freighter was a human male who was in the service of the Alliance to Restore the Republic's armed forces throughout the Galactic Civil War. In the year 3 ABY, he performed maintenance on his transport while he was stationed at Echo Base located on the world of Hoth. He encountered First Sergeant Hazram Namir after Namir was disciplined for engaging in a physical altercation with a fellow rebel soldier. The leader found out about Namir's punishment while in the aircraft hangar where the transport ship was parked. After the captain finished repairing the vessel, the two began to share their perspectives on the rebels and the war.

While they talked, seated on the ship's entry ramp, the captain expressed his belief that the rebels could achieve victory in their conflict against the Galactic Empire following the Battle of Yavin, but Namir claimed that the ongoing state of war was advantageous to him. Before they parted ways, the captain remarked that the rebels deserved a better outcome if Namir was genuinely committed to their cause.


Stationed in Echo Base

The freighter captain was stationed in Echo Base in 3 ABY.

As a member of a flight crew, the commander served in the Alliance Military during the Galactic Civil War fought between the Rebel Alliance and the Galactic Empire, and he owned a light freighter. In 3 ABY, the captain and his starship were assigned to the Rebel Alliance's Echo Base on the planet of Hoth. While he was repairing his light freighter, he crossed paths with First Sergeant Hazram Namir of the 61st Mobile Infantry inside the hangar. Noticing that the sergeant had a broken nose, he inquired about what had happened to Namir. Namir had been disciplined for getting into a fight with Kryndal, a soldier belonging to the Alliance's special forces, and his punishment was to carry shipping crates to the base's interior. After Namir commented that the special forces "took the Rebellion seriously," the captain smiled and resumed working on his freighter.

Later, the captain encountered Namir again, who was transporting components to the freighter. When Namir delivered the components, the captain inquired about the fight with Kryndal. As the repairs continued, Namir asked the captain about his crew, to which the captain responded that they were away on other missions. After completing the repairs, the captain sat down on the freighter's boarding ramp and began consuming a bottle of Corellian whiskey, with Namir joining him. While they drank the whiskey, the captain recounted a story about how his ship had sustained damage, and Namir explained the complete reason for his punishment. Upon hearing the sergeant's story, the captain declared that the rebels should not be told they were destined to fail, as he believed that he would outlive his purpose if the rebels were to grow stronger.

Chatting with a fellow soldier

While they conversed, Namir suggested that the captain would have also wanted to instigate a brawl with the rebels. The captain clarified that he never initiated a fight he had no chance of winning, and he asked how Namir had joined the Rebel Alliance. He also explained that the Alliance's victory at the Battle of Yavin, which resulted in the destruction of the Death Star superweapon, had led him to believe that the war against the Empire could be won. The captain also questioned Namir how long they could tolerate the rebels after the war's end before they would start showing resentment towards them.

After Namir revealed that the idea of a perpetual war with the Empire "felt right," the captain inquired if that thought bothered him. Namir responded that he was there to protect the rebels regardless of their beliefs. The captain then explained that the rebels deserved better if Namir was indeed fighting for the Alliance and not just for a job, before he boarded his ship. Namir took the captain's words to heart while exiting the hangar, believing that the soldiers of the 61st deserved better.

Personality and traits

The captain was a male individual who had light-colored skin and brown hair. When he first met Namir, the captain gave him a look that the sergeant interpreted as unhappy. Upon their second meeting, the captain casually questioned Namir about his punishment while repairing the freighter. During their conversation, the captain used several swear words while describing how his ship had been damaged. He also stated that his service to the Rebel Alliance was similar to that of a mercenary. When Namir told the captain that he would've also wanted to fight the rebels at the base, the captain replied he avoided confrontations he felt he had no could not win. He also remarked that Namir could've won the fight with Kryndal if he tried harder.

When Namir asked the captain if ongoing wars were beneficial to them, the captain rebuked that he was not so selfish. He shared his belief that the Rebel Alliance was eventually going to win the war, opposing Namir's point of view of a never-ending conflict that gave him satisfaction. Before boarding his ship and parting ways with the sergeant, the captain stated that Namir should walk away from the war if he could not understand why the rebels were fighting, and that the sergeant should focus on himself if he was only fighting for the Rebel Alliance as a hired soldier.

Skills and abilities

The captain was capable of repairing his light freighter using the parts provided by Namir without any assistance from the sergeant. He also believed that his skills would become meaningless to the Rebel Alliance if the rebels grew in strength.


The captain possessed a light freighter, which he repaired during his time at Echo Base using the supplies Namir carried to the hangar. He also owned a bottle of Corellian whiskey, which he and Namir drank during their conversation.

Behind the scenes

The freighter captain made an appearance in the 2015 novel Battlefront: Twilight Company, written by Alexander Freed. The character shared many similarities with the smuggler Han Solo, such as owning a light freighter and having light skin and brown hair. This led to speculation that the two characters were the same individual. When questioned about whether or not this was Solo, Freed stated that it was his intention have the smuggler in the novel, but added that others were free to interpret the freighter captain differently.

