The four members of the squad were clones of Mandalorian bounty hunter Jango Fett, born on the aquatic world of Kamino, located in the remote Wild Space region of the galaxy. Trained as clone commandos and deployed in opposition to the Confederacy of Independent Systems as part of the Galactic Republic's Grand Army following the outbreak of the Clone Wars, the squad served as part of the Grand Army's Special Operations Brigade with their commando comrades, and operated out of Arca Company Barracks on Coruscant. Six months after the Battle of Geonosis, the squad's soldiers were summoned to the headquarters of Republic Intelligence, along with the commandos of another squad. There, they were briefed by an Advanced Recon Commando intelligence officer who informed the squad that a diplomatic package from Malastare intended to be delivered to Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, had in fact been stolen by a group of Trandoshan bounty hunters. The yellow-marked ARC trooper tasked the squad with traveling to the planet Ord Mantell, where the bounty hunters intended to sell the package to the Confederacy, and recover the package from the Trandoshans.
On Ord Mantell, the squad enacted a plan to hold the bounty hunters up in the midday traffic, while the other squad took position on a nearby roof. Disguised as a civilian with a tattered brown cloak, one of the squad's commandos blocked the road with a large truck, pretending to be attending to its maintenance. When the three-speeder convoy piloted by the Trandoshans arrived, the rooftop squad's ordnance specialist opened fire with a missile launcher that destroyed the foremost landspeeder belonging to the bounty hunters. Seeing his moment, the disguised commando attacked, but was killed by one of the Trandoshans almost immediately. Now aware that they had fallen into a trap, the bounty hunters attempted to flee, but the remaining members of the squad on the road assaulted the closest speeder. Desperate, the bounty hunters ran down the clone soldiers with their speeder, before one of his associates threw a number of thermal detonators from the rear of the vehicle. The grenades exploded, killing the last of the squad's troops. The commandos would be avenged, however, by the efforts of their fellow squad, and its leader. Although they, too, suffered severe casualties in pursuit of the Trandoshan mercenaries, the squad leader killed the last of the bounty hunters and recovered the stolen package for return to Coruscant.
The commandos of the squad were armed with DC-17m blaster rifles, the standard issue weapon of clone commandos in the Republic's Grand Army. Also, like all clone commandos, The squad's members were equipped with Katarn-class commando armor. Unlike their comrades on Ord Mantell, who each chose a unique paint scheme with which to decorate their individual armor, the squad's soldiers emblazoned their armor suits in a uniform blue coloring with white markings, more in line with the matte-black armor shared by the commandos of Omega Squad, or Yayax Squad's dazzle camouflage.
In 2005, the Star Wars: Clone Wars Adventures Volume 3 of the Clone Wars Adventures comics introduced two squads of Republic commandos with the story The Package.