Unidentified runner

A runner was employed by the Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar in his antiquities store on the Outer Rim planet Batuu and worked alongside Calin, one of their colleagues. At some point, they became acquainted with two of the store's other employees, the farmer Julen Rakab and the human Tap. In 34 ABY, the runner quit their job at Dok-Ondar's store and joined Calin in swearing loyalty to the First Order. Later, the runner participated in a riot in Batuu's Black Spire Outpost, attempting to convince Batuuans to welcome the First Order's control.


The runner worked as an employee of Dok-Ondar's antiquities store (pictured).

The runner worked as an employee of Dok-Ondar's antiquities store (pictured).

By the time of the war between the First Order and the Resistance, the individual lived as an orphan on the Outer Rim planet Batuu. They searched for work in Batuu's Black Spire Outpost settlement, eventually landing in the employ of the Ithorian collector Dok-Ondar as a runner for his antiquities store. While there, their duties included delivering packages and running errands. As a member of Dok-Ondar's employ, the runner made the acquaintance of the farmer Julen Rakab and the human Tap, two fellow colleagues.

At some point, members of the First Order recruited the runner to their cause, and they expressed their loyalty toward the regime. In 34 ABY, the runner's boss told them to collect debts from two smugglers who owed their shop money but had fled, fearing Batuu's First Order presence. They and a fellow employee, Calin, refused the task, quitting their jobs to continue supporting the First Order. Needing his deliveries carried on time, Dok-Ondar told Tap to request Rakab's assistance. The farmer was surprised that any employees would choose to leave the Ithorian's employ, citing most individuals' love for working with the unique items in his store.

Later that day, the runner and Calin participated in a riot in Black Spire Outpost. Rakab and his companion, the smuggler Izal Garsea, saw them in the crowd and noticed how fervent they were about their beliefs. The runner stood in a small crowd of individuals and attempted to convince Batuuan natives that debauchery had overrun their world, so they should accept the rule of the First Order.

Personality and traits

Formerly an orphan, the runner was content to work in Dok-Ondar's employ for some time. However, once recruited by the First Order, they fervently began to believe in the regime's ideals. As a result, they were willing to resign from their job at the antiquities store and attend a riot in Black Spire Outpost to praise the First Order's rule of the galaxy.


While on Batuu, the runner wore simple farmer's clothing.

Behind the scenes

The runner appeared in A Crash of Fate, a 2019 young-adult novel written by Zoraida Córdova.






