The system was noted to be devoid of life by several expeditions who charted the region of the Rift in which the system was located in approximately 229 BBY. A seed of the extragalactic planet Yuuzhan'tar arrived in the system and became the sentient world Zonama Sekot at some point between then and 89 BBY, when it was colonized by a group of Ferroans and Langhesi. The planet remained in the system for six decades. In 32 BBY, the Yuuzhan Vong attempted to settle the living planet and laid siege to it that continued for two years. A year later it was attacked again, this time by a Republic Outland Regions Security Force squadron led by Wilhuff Tarkin and Raith Sienar. However, Sekot unveiled its kilometers-high hyperdrive engines, recently built by the Langhesi, and fled into hyperspace.
- The Essential Atlas