Unidentified weapons inspection droid

A weapons inspection droid served in BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits, a cantina on Level 1313 of the planet Coruscant collecting weapons from those that entered the establishment. When the bounty hunter Beilert Valance led several fellow hunters to the cantina, the weapons inspection droid witnessed the shootout that began after Valance killed Xonr, one of his pursuers.


During the reign of the Galactic Empire, the droid served in the BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits cantina, within Level 1313 of the planet Coruscant. The droid was stationed inside of the establishment's entrance, collecting the weapons of the patrons that entered.

The droid collects Xonr's weapons.

The droid collects Xonr's weapons.

In 1 BBY, the droid collected the blasters of the bounty hunter Xonr, who tracked fellow hunter Beilert Valance to BG-RT's to kill him for breaking the code of the Bounty Hunters' Guild. Valance revealed that he had intentionally led several bounty hunters to the cantina and killed Xonr, initiating a shootout. The weapons inspection droid watched the skirmish, which left all the bounty hunters that had been pursuing Valance dead.


The droid had plating in various shades of gray, and two sensors on its rectangular face; one that was larger and yellow in color, with a smaller red sensor below it. The droid possessed numerous arms that attached to its cylindrical body, allowing it to operate the weapons inspection station in BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits. Upon witnessing the shootout between bounty hunters in the cantina, the droid commented on the actions of organics.


While working in BG-RT's Tavern and Spirits, the droid collected numerous weapons from customers, keeping them stored on a rack behind it.

Behind the scenes

The weapons inspection droid appeared in Target Vader 1, a comic written by Robbie Thompson, illustrated by Marc Laming and Cris Bolson, and published by Marvel Comics on July 3, 2019.



