Ward 114 was a medical ward located in the hospital ship Mercy. It was reserved for members of the the Rebel Alliance's SpecOps and Intelligence units, and agents deserving high-priority medical treatment. There was no outward sign betraying the ward's special status.
A hatch led to the room with numbered bacta tanks; usually they were decorated with the medals of the occupants, and their belongings were kept in a cupboard attacked to each tank. The atmosphere had a pleasant tangy smell. Rooms had space for two beds, and two lockers for their occupants.
In 5 ABY Kyle Katarn, sustained a serious injury on Nar Shaddaa while trying to get hold on a mysterious holodisk. Normally Katarn would be among those trusted enough to deserve such a position, however he was slated as "borderline priority" because of his questionable past with the Galactic Empire, and would deserve lesser treatment. Although casualties were crowding the ship and waited for bacta treatment, the Doctor decided to place him in Bacta tank 23.
He was tending the ward when Jan Ors came to check on him. Having her identicard checked, Ors entered the tank room, and secretly browsed among Kyle's belongings and "borrowed" the holodisk in order to find out why it was so important for him.
Indeed, not long later, Kyle was removed from the tank and recuperated in a medical bed in a two-bed room; next to him was an officer whose body was connected to tubes and a respirator. It was then when he had a vision from the Force ghost of Qu Rahn. Kyle didn't show signs that he was awake and watched around through his slitted eyes. Sometime later he observed Jan, who in a puzzling movement, opened his locker and did something in his pocket: she returned the disk she had stolen. When she left, without knowing that Kyle was awake, Kyle stood up and checked his things, then started dressing.