West Platt

West Platt was a city on the Outer Rim planet Dalna. During the Night of Sorrow in 382 BBY, a Jedi transport carrying the Togruta Jedi Master Fliss Woora landed at the city after the ship received a distress signal from Jedi Master Creighton Sun for help as a number of Jedi and Galactic Republic guards were under attack from members of the Path of the Open Hand cult. After the transport arrived at West Platt, the Jedi gathered about one hundred Dalnans who were willing and able to assist them in the fight against the Path, with three dozen boarding Woora's ship. The transport and three others full of Dalnans then left the city for the Path compound. Once the transport arrived, the Togruta informed Sun and Jedi Knight Aida Forte about their stop at West Platt, and that asides from those who had arrived on her transport, more Dalnans from the city would come piecemeal.

West Platt was mentioned in Cataclysm, a novel written by Lydia Kang and published in 2023 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.

Behind the scenes

West Platt was mentioned in Cataclysm, a novel written by Lydia Kang and published in 2023 as part of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project's Phase II.






