Ace Kallisto, a master thief of human female descent, operated during the era of the High Republic. Once, she and Jedi Master Zia Zaldor Zanna were rivals. In the year 232 BBY, the Master Thief and her old rival crossed paths again when Kallisto stole Zanna's shuttle. This led to a confrontation that resulted in a crash within a cave guarded by stalaats. Working together, Kallisto and the Jedi youngling Kai Brightstar escaped the cave and sought assistance.
Hailing from the planet Rex Strata, Ace Kallisto was a thief of human female origin. She shared a rivalry with the Jedi Zia Zaldor Zanna, a rivalry that appeared to diminish over time.
In the year 232 BBY, Kallisto became aware of Zanna's return and promptly commandeered the shuttle in which she arrived. Predictably, Zanna caught up to Kallisto and entered the ship's cockpit accompanied by a Jedi youngling, Kai Brightstar. Brightstar, in an attempt to intimidate Kallisto, brandished his lightsaber, but accidentally launched it, damaging the cockpit and causing a malfunction. Consequently, they were unable to repair the ship, and it crashed.

Upon regaining consciousness, they discovered that Zanna was immobilized due to an ankle injury sustained in the crash. They then realized that they had crashed into a cave inhabited by a stalaat. The thief and the youngling ventured out together to seek help. However, another stalaat ambushed them as they approached the exit. While Brightstar used his lightsaber to distract the stalaats, Kallisto seized the opportunity to escape, activating the shuttle's armaments to frighten the creatures away. She instructed him to leave and use a comlink to call for assistance. With help on the way, Kallisto took a moment to converse with Zanna before departing. As she walked away, she overheard Brightstar asking Zanna if she would change her ways. Kallisto smiled and left the two Jedi behind.