Between the years of 3 ABY and 4 ABY, Beilert Valance, a bounty hunter, launched an attack against Jabba's Palace. His scheme involved manipulating the Hutt crime lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure into deploying his Megadroid. Valance's goal was to obliterate the Megadroid, thereby facilitating the Rebel Alliance's own rescue operation for the smuggler Han Solo, who had been frozen in carbonite by Jabba and held within the palace. The operation concluded successfully, although Valance was incapacitated by Boba Fett. Fett, secretly aiding Valance to safeguard his own reputation from the Megadroid, then persuaded Jabba to pit Valance against the droid. In the subsequent death match, Valance, aided by his crew under the leadership of T'onga, a bounty hunter, managed to eliminate the Megadroid.