AT-AT Drivers, alternatively referred to as AT-AT pilots, were Imperial combat drivers who specialized in the operation of the Imperial Army's AT-AT walker vehicles. These drivers typically worked in pairs, managing both the driving and weapon systems of the walker. In some instances, a commander would supervise them from the cockpit.

AT-AT pilots donned specialized insulated suits when operating on frigid planets such as Hoth. These suits were crucial for survival if the AT-AT's pressurized cockpit was breached, or due to the walker's insufficient climate control. The uniform consisted of an all-white insulated jumpsuit, complemented by white boots and driving gauntlets. In addition to a reinforced helmet and a life-support pack worn on the chest, pilots carried a standard blaster pistol, thermal detonators, and grenades for potential engagements on the ground. AT-AT drivers also had access to weapons like the E-11 medium blaster rifle and a larger model of blaster rifle.