Attack on a Hutt's palace

Sometime in the period between 3647 and 3642 BBY, amidst the Cold War that raged between the Galactic Republic and the revived Sith Empire, a group of Mandalorian warriors belonging to a specific clan launched an assault on the palace of a Hutt. They believed this Hutt had placed a death mark upon them. However, the combat medic Archiban Kimble, more commonly referred to as Doc, had fabricated the death mark as a ploy. His intent was to deceive the Mandalorians, leading them to attack the Hutt who had been accumulating medpacs after a recent groundquake. As the conflict unfolded, Doc managed to sneak into the palace, absconding with the medpacs. Ultimately, the confrontation resulted in the death of both the entire Mandalorian clan and the Hutt.

Behind the scenes

The Hutt, whose name remains unknown, was initially referenced in the dialogue "Anonymous" with Doc, the Jedi Knight companion, within Star Wars: The Old Republic. This massively multiplayer online role-playing video game was brought to players by BioWare and LucasArts back in 2011.

