Unidentified Hutt (medpacs)

A Hutt possessed a palace throughout the Cold War era, which was a period of conflict between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire. At some point between 3647 and 3642 BBY, following a significant groundquake on the planet where his palace stood, the Hutt started accumulating medpacs inside his palace, selling them at inflated prices to capitalize on the widespread destruction. Nevertheless, Archiban Kimble, a combat medic widely recognized as Doc, fabricated a bogus death mark under the Hutt's identity, targeting a nearby clan of Mandalorian fighters. Consequently, the Mandalorians attacked the Hutt's palace. During the ensuing conflict, both the Hutt and the assaulting Mandalorians were killed, while Doc managed to pilfer medpacs from the palace.

Behind the scenes

The identity of this Hutt was initially revealed in the "Anonymous" dialogue with the Jedi Knight companion Doc, featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game was a joint creation of BioWare and LucasArts, launched in 2011.

