Sometime in the period spanning from 3647 BBY to 3642 BBY, amidst the Cold War that raged between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, a palace was under the ownership of a Hutt. Following a devastating groundquake in the area, this Hutt started accumulating medpacs inside his palace. This prompted the combat medic known as Doc to deceive a clan of Mandalorian warriors, leading them to attack the palace. While the conflict unfolded, Doc managed to sneak into the palace, absconding with the medpacs. Ultimately, the battle resulted in the death of both the Hutt and the entire Mandalorian clan.
The initial reference to the Hutt's palace occurred within the "Anonymous" dialogue involving Doc, the Jedi Knight companion character, featured in the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic. This game was brought to the public by BioWare and LucasArts in the year 2011.