
Azca served as a commander within the Yuuzhan Vong empire. This Yuuzhan Vong directed a miid ro'ik cruiser that was part of one of the empire's fleets, and commanded it during operations. In the period around 25 ABY, during the invasion of the galaxy by the Yuuzhan Vong, Azca's fleet encountered the starship called Pythea as it made its way toward the planet of Artorias.

Hoping to ascertain the breaking point of the galaxy's inhabitants, the commander ordered a boarding party from one of the fleet's yorik-vec assault cruisers to infiltrate the Pythea. However, the crew of the vessel—Panha and Sarkkineliminated all of the Yuuzhan Vong who had boarded their ship. Realizing the impossibility of defeating Azca's forces, Panha instead piloted the Pythea in a ramming maneuver directly into Azca's miid ro'ik cruiser, resulting in massive casualties for the commander's crew.


Around 25 ABY, amidst the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, a Yuuzhan Vong named Azca held the rank of commander within the Yuuzhan Vong empire. Azca commanded a cruiser of the miid ro'ik class, which was part of a fleet belonging to the Yuuzhan Vong. While en route to Artorias, a planet situated in the Outer Rim Territories at the edge of the galaxy, the fleet encountered the Pythea, a vessel used for exploration and crewed by Panha, a Chiss, and Sarkkin, a Wookiee.

Azca speaks with a Yuuzhan Vong warrior aboard their cruiser

Instead of simply destroying the starship from a safe distance, Azca dispatched a contingent of warriors to board the Pythea, motivated by a desire to gauge the resilience of the galaxy's inhabitants before they succumbed to despair. A Yuuzhan Vong warrior questioned their commander's decision to not simply obliterate the enemy vessel. Azca then elucidated their intentions to the warrior, who soon after reported that the Pythea was closing in on the commander's cruiser.

The warrior mistakenly believed that the boarding party had successfully seized control of the exploration vessel, which initially pleased Azca. However, Panha and Sarkkin had eliminated the boarding party. Consequently, Panha, recognizing the futility of direct combat, chose to ram Azca's miid ro'ik cruiser, inflicting substantial damage and causing widespread death among its crew.

Personality and traits

The commander belonged to the warrior caste of the Yuuzhan Vong. Azca had eyes that were white and skin that was white.


Azca wore vonduun crab armor and a cloak. They carried an amphistaff, which is a Yuuzhan Vong weapon used in melee combat.

Behind the scenes

Commander Azca made an appearance in the second part of the prologue issue of Star Wars: Invasion, a comic book series published by Dark Horse Comics. This issue was released on on May 8, 2009. Tom Taylor wrote the issue, and Colin Wilson provided the illustrations.

