Azmorigan's henchmen

Azmorigan employed a dedicated team of mercenaries and bodyguards who were regularly in the service of the Jablogian crime lord known as Azmorigan.


These henchmen functioned as a protective detail for the criminal Azmorigan. They were armed with stockless 773 Firepuncher sniper rifles and wore black armor featuring an insect-inspired helmet design.


These henchmen accompanied Azmorigan aboard his starship, the Merchant One, where they set an ambush for Lando Calrissian and the Spectres at Lando Calrissian's farm. However, they were ultimately defeated, leading to two henchmen retreating alongside Azmorigan.

Later, the henchmen journeyed with Azmorigan to Nixus Hub 218 during an encounter with the pirate Hondo Ohnaka and the rebel Ezra Bridger, who had arrived with five power generators. When one of the henchmen removed Bridger's helmet, Azmorigan immediately recognized him. Upon discovering that one of the generators was missing, the henchmen engaged in a firefight with Chopper, Bridger's astromech droid companion. After Azmorigan incapacitated both Bridger and Ohnaka, Chopper utilized one of the henchman’s blaster rifles along with Ohnaka’s blaster pistol to overcome Azmorigan, who then abandoned his men and fled in his ship.

