Baktoid Industrial Systems

Baktoid Industrial Systems functioned as a corporation specializing in vehicle production. Its establishment occurred after the Galactic Empire integrated Baktoid Combat Automata; it was founded by some former engineers and leaders from that company. The Versatile-Athletic Walker was one of their creations, but later the Empire also absorbed Baktoid Industrial Systems. Subsequently, the Alliance to Restore the Republic extended sanctuary to some of its former personnel.


In 19 BBY, the Galactic Empire rose to power and subsequently took control of the manufacturing firm Baktoid Combat Automata, assimilating it into the Imperial structure. Dissatisfied with this change in leadership, several of Baktoid's key engineers and executives departed to establish a new entity, named Baktoid Industrial Systems.

The Versatile-Athletic Walker, an innovative walker drawing inspiration from the zalaaca species native to the planet Naboo, was among the initial products developed by the company. Production of these walkers remained limited, as the Galactic Empire soon absorbed the fledgling company. Some escaping employees eventually connected with the Alliance to Restore the Republic, who provided them with asylum from Imperial rule. Following these events, rumors circulated suggesting that nearly all the Versatile walkers were gifted to the Alliance Military as a gesture of gratitude.

Behind the scenes

The initial mention of Baktoid Industrial Systems within the new Star Wars canon appeared in Forged in Battle, a 2016 sourcebook for the Star Wars: Age of Rebellion roleplaying game published by Fantasy Flight Games. Its origins lie in the Star Wars Legends continuity, specifically within the Legacy Era Campaign Guide, a 2009 hardcover supplement for the Star Wars Roleplaying Game by Wizards of the Coast, authored by Rodney Thompson, Sterling Hershey, and Gary Astleford.


  • Forged in Battle (First mentioned)

Notes and references
