Bar-fish gelatin

A bar-fish gelatin was a kind of sustenance that Pantorans and Soikans could consume. This dish was available at Lady Jara's boarding house, which was owned by the Theelin Lady Jara, located in the city of Ferdan on the Outer Rim world of Dalna.

In 382 BBY, Zallah Macri, a Soikan Jedi Master, and her Padawan, Kevmo Zink who was a Pantoran, partook in a bar-fish gelatin at the boarding house accompanied by a light white gravy, while they were on a mission on Dalna. During their repast, Marda Ro, an Evereni member of the Path of the Open Hand cult, made her way to invite Zink to the Path compound, with Ro taking note mentally of the shining appearance of the two Jedi's bar-fish gelatin.

Behind the scenes

The young-adult novel The High Republic: Path of Deceit, released in 2022 and penned by Justina Ireland and Tessa Gratton, featured a bar-fish gelatin; this novel was a component of Phase II of the Star Wars: The High Republic multimedia project.

