Battle droid dispenser

The battle droid dispenser, a droid dispenser model utilized by the Confederacy of Independent Systems during the Clone Wars against the Galactic Republic, was designed to deploy B1-series battle droids. These dispensers were commonly found on Lucrehulk-class droid control ships, where they were transported via internal lines and could be launched onto enemy vessels using integrated repulsors. The Confederacy supplied these devices to Trandoshan enslavers for collaborative operations.

Delta Squad, an elite squad of Republic clone commandos, encountered numerous battle droid dispensers throughout their deployments, including during the Clone Wars' initial conflict at the First Battle of Geonosis in 22 BBY. Further encounters included a mission in 21 BBY to rescue the Acclamator-class assault ship Prosecutor from Separatist and Trandoshan control, and a mission in 19 BBY to the planet Kashyyyk to extract the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful.


A B1-Series battle droid standing next to a battle droid dispenser

These battle droid dispensers, standing at a height exceeding 1.93 meters, were typically beige or brown in hue. The semi-cylindrical structures featured three circular hatches on their sides, from which they continuously dispensed B1-series battle droids. Capable of deploying a maximum of three droids at a time, each deployment sequence lasted approximately nine seconds, a faster rate compared to the super battle droid dispenser's deployment of B2 super battle droids. The B1 droids were stored in a deactivated, folded state, automatically unfolding into an upright posture as they exited the device's central opening.

While resistant to blaster fire, these devices could be destroyed using explosive charges such as a detonation pack or through the laserfire of anti-personnel laser cannons mounted on AT-TE walkers. Equipped with repulsors, the dispensers were designed to be launched from the Lucrehulk-class droid control ships onto other starships. They were transported through the internal structure of the droid control ships via transport lines.


Early usage in the Clone Wars

During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems employed battle droid dispensers in their conflict with the Galactic Republic. These dispensers were launched onto Republic ships during naval engagements, releasing B1 droids to facilitate boarding and takeover operations. They were also deployed on landing pads situated on planetary surfaces. As part of their joint operations, the Confederacy provided Trandoshan enslavers with droid dispensers. Delta Squad, an elite squad of Republic clone commandos, frequently encountered these units during their missions. Battle droid dispensers were commonly used alongside super battle droid dispensers and, on occasion, droideka dispensers.

Battle droid dispensers on the transport lines of a Separatist core ship

In 22 BBY, the First Battle of Geonosis, which marked the beginning of the Clone Wars, saw Separatist core ships equipped with numerous droid dispensers. During Delta Squad's infiltration of one such ship, the commandos divided to target and disable critical systems. They regrouped in a corridor where dispensers were being transported overhead. The clone squad engaged multiple waves of B1 battle droids and droidekas in the corridor, and during the ensuing blaster fire, the transport line sustained damage, causing a dispenser to fall and activate. Upon seeing it, commando Sev inquired about the device's nature, prompting fellow commando RC-1140, also known as Fixer, to explain its function and reprimand Sev for neglecting to review the mission briefing. The commandos subsequently destroyed the battle droid dispenser using a detonation pack.

Delta Squad leader Boss then shot down another droid dispenser from the transport line, destroying the dispenser and killing four battle droids in the resultant explosion.

Chaykin Cluster

A battle droid dispenser landing in Hangar B of the Republic Assault Ship Prosecutor

In 21 BBY, Trandoshan enslavers, in collaboration with the Separatists, attacked the Republic Acclamator-class assault ship (RAS) Prosecutor as it patrolled the Corellian sector, seeking to salvage components for Separatist use. Several weeks later, the ship's reappearance in the Chaykin Cluster prompted Delta Squad's investigation. Upon learning of Delta Squad's presence, the Trandoshans deployed droid dispensers from their dropships. Republic commando Scorch attempted to meet with Boss, who was confined behind a door in a small corridor aboard the Prosecutor. An enslaver pushed a droid dispenser into the opposite end of the corridor from a connecting hallway behind Boss, activating the device and forcing the clone to fend off the droids while Scorch sliced the door panel. After several minutes, Scorch succeeded, and the pair destroyed the dispenser.

When the squad eventually reached the Prosecutor's hangars, a Separatist droid control ship emerged from hyperspace to complete the salvage operation. Delta Squad then prepared traps around Hangar B, anticipating the arrival of battle droid dispensers and super battle droid dispensers from the enemy ship. When the craft landed, Delta Squad engaged the boarding party, placing a demolition charge on the hangar's force field regulator to reactivate the field and halt the enemy's advance in Hangar B. The squad proceeded to the next hangar to confront additional forces, encountering a deployed battle droid dispenser upon arriving in Hangar C.

While eliminating Separatist forces in Hangar C, a member of Delta Squad accessed a terminal to activate a docked 74-Z speeder bike. The bike's engines ignited, propelling it forward until it collided with a droid dispenser, destroying both the dispenser and the speeder bike.

The squad defeated the invading force and employed a similar tactic to destroy the hangar's regulator. En route to Hangar D, the group encountered several dispensers that had already been deployed. However, clone advisor 01/425 instructed Delta Squad to avoid direct engagement with the dispensers, and the commandos sought cover at the rear of the hangar as more dispensers landed, including droideka dispensers. The squad then accessed a lift terminal to bring an AT-TE walker to the hangar. Once the lift arrived, Boss fired the walker's laser cannons, destroying the dispensers and the regulator. The commandos then boarded the lift, contacting Captain Talbot of the RAS Arrestor for reinforcements. Navigating through the maintenance tunnels and overcoming entrenched droid forces, the clones eventually reached the gun control station, where they activated the automatic defenses and, with Talbot's assistance, secured the ship.

Mission to Kashyyyk

In 19 BBY, Delta Squad was dispatched to the planet Kashyyyk with orders to rescue the Wookiee chieftain Tarfful and destroy Separatist supplies and the Kachirho Bridge. As Delta Squad advanced through a Trandoshan compound, they destroyed a battle droid dispenser located on a Separatist launchpad. Ultimately, the squad successfully rescued Tarfful and destroyed the bridge, as well as an opposing Recusant-class light destroyer. Immediately following this, a Republic fleet entered the planet's airspace, with 01/425 informing them that the Battle of Kashyyyk had commenced.

Behind the scenes

Battle droid dispensers debuted in Star Wars: Republic Commando.

The battle droid dispenser made its debut in the 2005 LucasArts video game Star Wars: Republic Commando. Prior to the game's release, the device was mentioned on's Star Wars: Republic Commando webpage.

In the game, droid dispensers will persistently deploy droids until the dispenser itself is destroyed. The "Guerrilla Warfare" achievement can be unlocked during the "Infiltration of the Core Ship" mission within the Geonosis campaign. It is achieved by shooting down a transported droid dispenser and causing it to fall onto at least four enemies. In the "Save the Ship" mission of the RAS Prosecutor campaign, the player can instruct a team member to slice a console connected to a speeder bike in Hangar C. Slicing the console will cause the bike to start and crash into a droid dispenser, unlocking the "That Model Is A Death Trap" achievement for the player.

