A conflict transpired in 22 BBY during the period of the Clone Wars. Jedi General Aayla Secura, accompanied by Marshal Commander Bly and a trio of additional clone troopers, devised a scheme to acquire data from the memory banks of a Confederate tactical droid. Their plan involved constructing a false information bunker, designed to appear as a repository of crucial Galactic Republic data files to the tactical droid. A contingent of battle droids, under the command of the aforementioned tactical droid, subsequently fell into the trap and were ambushed by the clone troopers. The clones swiftly eliminated the droid's escort, after which Secura personally decapitated the droid. Subsequently, the Jedi seized the droid's head with the intention of performing a robolobotomy to extract its stored information.
Back in 22 BBY amidst the Clone Wars, Jedi General Aayla Secura alongside a squad of clone troopers under the leadership of Marshal Commander Bly sought to gain access to intel contained within the memory banks belonging to a Confederate tactical droid. To achieve this, Secura and the clones orchestrated a deception by erecting a fabricated information bunker, designed to trick the droid into believing it housed vital Galactic Republic data. After setting the trap, Secura concealed herself within the bunker, while the clones strategically positioned themselves above the canyon that led to it.

Shortly thereafter, a contingent of Confederate battle droids, commanded by the STAP-mounted tactical droid, advanced toward the false bunker, with the intention of acquiring the purported data files. The droids infiltrated the bunker, only to be informed by several retrieval droids that the data banks were devoid of information. Capitalizing on the droids' bewilderment, the clone troopers initiated an attack on the droid forces, employing jetpacks to execute a rapid descent into the canyon.
Clone troopers Galle and Barr neutralized the B2 super battle droids, while trooper Inc deployed EMP grenades against the remaining B1-Series battle droids. Concurrently, the tactical droid attempted to retreat into the bunker but was intercepted by Secura, who beheaded it utilizing her lightsaber. The droid was unable to activate the data-erasing protective mechanism known as cyberostasis before its decapitation, thus preserving the integrity of its memory banks.
Once her team had regrouped with her inside the bunker, Secura expressed her appreciation for their successful completion of the mission. Secura then made the decision to conduct a robolobotomy on the droid's head aboard her cruiser to extract the information it possessed.
The battle was depicted in "Headgames," a comic featured in the The Clone Wars web comic series, which is set before "Jedi Crash," an episode from the first season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series from 2008. The issue was authored by Pablo Hidalgo, illustrated by Thomas Hodges, and released on StarWars.com on January 15, 2009.