Battle of Vonak

A clash unfolded on the planet Vonak around 25 ABY, before the Battle of Artorias, pitting the Cilare against the invading Yuuzhan Vong.


Back in 25 ABY, the Yuuzhan Vong species, hailing from beyond the known galaxy, initiated their assault on it. Yuuzhan Vong operatives, acting undercover, infiltrated Belkadan and Rhommamool to sow discord, aiming to distract the New Republic. Simultaneously, the main Yuuzhan Vong force invaded and seized several Outer Rim worlds, including Dubrillion, Destrillion and Dantooine, compelling the Republic and the Jedi to fall back.

Separately, the Cilare continued their primitive and combative way of life on Vonak. They were a race of warriors who instilled martial values in their young, while their scientists valued war technology over medicine. They had a firm belief in their strength and invulnerability to all threats. However, reality would soon shatter this belief.

The Battle

After the Battle of Dantooine, a formidable Yuuzhan Vong invasion force descended upon Vonak and initiated a war against the Cilare. Despite the bravery and weaponry of the native army, which included the deployment of tanks, they were easily overwhelmed by the Fire Breathers. These dangerous war beasts had flexible snouts that sprayed streams of flaming gel and pores that emitted anti-laser aerosols.

The assembled warrior army


The Cilare were swiftly annihilated as the Yuuzhan Vong subdued their homeworld. Only one warrior, Arbeloa, lived to recount the events, captured aboard the Yuuzhan Vong slaveship Tsam P'ah. While imprisoned, he managed to transmit a signal into space, eventually received by the two-person crew of the exploratory vessel Pythea: the Chiss Panha and her Wookiee companion Sarkkin. After intercepting the signal, the warrior described the nature and culture of his people, and warned them of the Yuuzhan Vong's atrocities.

Arbeloa's people were devastated in the attack; he urged those who received the message to flee from the approaching Yuuzhan Vong invasion force, as fighting them would be futile. Panha, whose species, the Chiss, had previously fought the Yuuzhan Vong, understood the threat they posed to the galaxy. Detecting the presence of a Yuuzhan Vong fleet nearby in hyperspace, they activated the Phythea and fled to the nearest world, Artorias, to warn its inhabitants.

However, Yuuzhan Vong ships pursued them. The Chiss explorer attempted to communicate with the Artorias communications center, but an advance infiltrator intercepted the message, preventing it from reaching the public. After repelling a Yuuzhan Vong boarding party, the two friends decided to avoid capture and crashed their starship into the lead Yuuzhan Vong cruiser, killing themselves and destroying their ship.

Later on, Arbeloa allied with the Artorian princess Kaye Galfridian and other slaves to rebel against the commander Sha'kel.

