Black Flight

Black Flight was a squadron of BTL-S8 K-wing assault starfighters that operated as part of the 24th Bombardment Squadron inside the New Republic Fifth Fleet. They fought in the Black Fleet Crisis in the year 17 ABY.

When the campaign began, Black Flight was one of the squadron's three flights, made up of six K-wings, each staffed by a pilot and a gunner. Hodo, an officer seen as a potential replacement for the squadron commander position, was in charge of the flight.

Following the disaster at Doornik-319, Black Flight was reduced to a mere three aircraft as part of a restructuring that reorganized the squadron into four flights. During the Battle of ILC-905, the three K-wings of the new Black Flight, along with their six E-wing escort starfighters escort, were initially kept in reserve. However, they were later assigned to strike the Aramadia-class thrustship Rizaron, which had disabled the gunship Vanguard and destroyed the K-wings of Green Flight.

Black One and Black Two's strike successfully destroyed Rizaron, but laser and ion cannon fire from Rizaron had destroyed Black Three and at least one of the accompanying E-wings. The attack was also too late to rescue Vanguard, which was destroyed by the thrustship's final missile barrage.

