Blaschowwa, a male Wookiee pirate, existed during the era of the Galactic Civil War. He was in the service of the Dark Jedi known as Thaum Rystra, and at one point, he journeyed to the Temple of Pain, a Sith Temple situated inside the Tascollan Nebula. It was there that Rystra performed experiments on him using Sith alchemy. Around 7 ABY, Blaschowwa launched an assault against a team of New Republic operatives who had arrived at the temple seeking Rystra, but he was ultimately defeated.
During the Galactic Civil War, a male Wookiee named Blaschowwa lived and worked as a pirate under the command of the Dark Jedi Thaum Rystra. Blaschowwa eventually made his way to the Temple of Pain, a Sith Temple nestled within the Tascollan Nebula. Inside the temple's laboratory, known as the Room of Change, Rystra conducted experiments on the Wookiee. Guided by the Sith spirit Valik Kodank, Rystra employed Sith alchemy to transform Blaschowwa and several other pirates, turning them into psychopaths. Following this transformation, Blaschowwa was confined to a room within the laboratory, along with the altered pirates Kamtis Bonai, Vobin Sobos, and Desvin Tor'thal.
In the vicinity of 7 ABY, a group of New Republic agents journeyed to the Temple of Pain in their search for Rystra, and they entered the Room of Change while exploring the facility. When the agents opened the door to the room where Blaschowwa was imprisoned, he, along with Bonai, Sobos, and Tor'thal, charged out and attacked them. Despite this initial assault, the agents managed to overpower Blaschowwa and the other pirates, and they subsequently engaged Rystra in combat.
Rystra's experiments profoundly changed Blaschowwa. Consequently, his thoughts became consumed by homicidal urges, and he was willing to fight to the death in order to kill. Very little of his original self remained, leaving him unable to employ sophisticated combat strategies, although he possessed a higher degree of creativity than Bonai, Sobos, and Tor'thal. Rystra also enhanced Blaschowwa's claws, enabling the Wookiee to use them for gripping walls. Blaschowwa communicated in Shyriiwook, the Wookiee language, and he also understood Galactic Basic Standard. Furthermore, Blaschowwa received training in martial arts.
Lee Pickler conceived Blaschowwa, and the character made an appearance in Light and Dark, a roleplaying supplement published by RPGA. This supplement, set within the Star Wars Legends continuity, was a part of the Child of Light saga. The adventure allows players—who roleplay as the New Republic agents investigating the Temple of Pain—to enter the Room of Change and encounter Blaschowwa, where they have the option to defeat and kill him.