"Blurrg" represents the third installment of the online series Star Wars Galaxy of Creatures. The narrative centers around the interactions of the Safari droid SF-R3 with a group of blurrg inhabiting the forest moon of Endor, referred to as he throughout the episode. It premiered on StarWarsKids.com on October 21, 2021, coinciding with the release of the series' fourth episode, "Voorpak."
On Endor's Forest Moon, SF-R3, known as ("Aree"), and CAM experience a crash while riding their 74-Z speeder bike as they get close to a group of blurrgs. After fixing CAM's damaged visual sensor, Aree reveals that the Galactic Society of Creature Enthusiasts tasked him with herding the blurrgs, aiming to prevent the local Ewoks from discovering their liberation.
While riding his speeder bike, Aree attempts to use a lasso on a blurrg, but instead becomes entangled around a tree. Subsequently, Aree attempts to use signaling lights to guide them into a pen, but they bypass him. During his third attempt, Aree circles them using his speeder bike. However, the bike malfunctions, leaving him stranded amidst the herd. Aree then realizes that he can herd them by whistling a specific melody. Aree guides them into a pen, but the blurrgs continue to follow him as he whistles on his departure. Aree then shares some interesting facts, including the fact that female blurrgs consume male blurrgs following the mating process.