Bodo Baas

Bodo Baas, a male Krevaaki and esteemed Jedi Master, existed as a notable figure in the Jedi Order. Around 600 BBY, he dwelled within the Adega system amidst a community of Jedi. From his forefather Vodo-Siosk Baas, he came to possess a holocron referred to as the Tedryn Holocron. Enriching the holocron with his own wisdom and experiences, Baas transformed into its holographic gatekeeper, guiding and instructing future Jedi who sought its knowledge. During his time, he acted as a diplomat, engaging with Force sects such as the Zeison Sha and Matukai, endeavoring to forge alliances with the Jedi Order, though ultimately without success. In 19 BBY, during the Great Jedi Purge, Emperor Palpatine ordered Baas's execution.

Despite his death, the Tedryn Holocron retained his teachings and essence, later falling into Palpatine's hands. Subsequently, Leia Organa Solo, the sister of Jedi Luke Skywalker, pilfered the holocron from the Emperor. Baas cautioned Solo about individuals who, like her brother, had dallied with the dark side of the Force, recounting tales of Jedi who had succumbed, such as Ulic Qel-Droma. He later imparted information about past Jedi and Sith to Skywalker and his New Jedi Order. Skywalker employed the holocron as a teaching tool until the spirit of the Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun obliterated it.


Life as a Jedi

Bodo Baas, a Krevaaki male, was a descendant of the Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas. He underwent training in the ways of the Jedi under the tutelage of a master who had been alive since around 1000 BBY. Circa 600 BBY, Baas belonged to a group of Jedi residing and serving in the Adega system, who dedicated themselves to preserving Jedi history and teachings for posterity. Over time, he achieved the rank of Jedi Master and inherited the Tedryn Holocron, a holocron previously owned by Vodo-Siosk and passed down through generations of Jedi. By the time Baas received it, the holocron contained a vast amount of data, making it challenging to navigate, even for skilled users. Baas addressed this issue by meticulously reorganizing every recording.

Bodo Baas, Jedi Master.

He further enriched the holocron's knowledge base by adding his own accounts, including the demise of his ancestor Vodo-Siosk and the ascent and downfall of the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Ruin. By embedding his personality into the holocron, Baas became its primary gatekeeper, an interactive holographic guide capable of imparting the knowledge within and emulating Baas's behavior. As the primary gatekeeper, Baas was the initial point of contact for those accessing the holocron; to engage with the personalities of other masters within and learn from their teachings, a higher level of wisdom was necessary. At some point, Baas acquired a belt, which would later be passed down to various Jedi, eventually reaching Ashka Boda.

Upon learning of the existence of the Zeison Sha on Yanibar, the Jedi dispatched a diplomatic delegation including Baas in 580 BBY, following years of planning, to persuade them to ally with the Jedi. Due to the Zeison Sha's disapproval of the Jedi practice of separating children from their families, they only reluctantly agreed to meet after the Jedi pledged not to interact with their children. Baas and the others witnessed a training session showcasing the Zeison Sha's proficiency with telekinesis and their unique weapon, the discblade. Baas engaged in a polite debate with the Zeison Sha regarding whether their philosophy of self-reliance could lead to the dark side of the Force. While they acknowledged that it had in some instances, they generally found self-sufficiency beneficial. Ultimately, they refused to relinquish their independence, and Baas and the others departed Yanibar without achieving their objective.

Shortly thereafter, the Jedi Council sought an alliance with the Matukai. After discovering that Mendor Typhoons had defeated a pirate gang near Ord Radama, Baas and the others arranged a meeting in orbit of Ord Radama. Baas spoke with Typhoons, who believed his training methods were superior to those of the Jedi. Baas was unable to persuade him to join forces, just as he had failed with the Zeison Sha. Baas recommended that the Jedi allow the Matukai to remain autonomous, provided they did not succumb to the dark side.

Gatekeeper of the holocron

Bodo Baas, gatekeeper of the Tedryn Holocron

Baas lived for nearly six centuries afterward, gaining renown as a Jedi, and his knowledge within the Tedryn Holocron remained valuable to the Jedi throughout his life. Even the Jedi Council heeded Baas's warnings about the risks of training new Jedi. When the Great Jedi Purge commenced in 19 BBY, the newly appointed Galactic Emperor Palpatine ordered Baas's execution. By this time, the Tedryn Holocron was in the possession of Ashka Boda, and after killing him, Palpatine seized it, though he couldn't access the deepest levels, which were reserved for Jedi Masters dedicated to the light.

In 10 ABY, Leia Organa Solo was captured by Palpatine on Byss while attempting to rescue Luke Skywalker, who had joined the dark side to defeat the Emperor. Palpatine showed Solo the Tedryn Holocron, and Solo spoke to Baas, who recounted tales of those who, like her brother, had tried to destroy the dark side from within. Solo stole the holocron and escaped Byss on the Millennium Falcon. Aboard the Falcon, Solo reactivated the holocron and listened as Baas told the story of the fallen Jedi Ulic Qel-Droma. Later, she consulted the holocron to inquire about her brother's future. Although Baas stated that the Force could reveal the future, he couldn't foresee Skywalker's, finding it shrouded in shadow. However, he shared a prophecy written by his master a millennium prior, predicting Skywalker's fall and her own situation. Baas's words inspired Solo to redeem Skywalker and defeat Palpatine.

As Skywalker established a New Jedi Order, the holocron remained a crucial resource. When Skywalker searched the galaxy for Jedi recruits, Solo consulted it and learned that she needed to find Vima-Da-Boda. It also suggested that Skywalker seek Jedi artifacts on Ossus. After Skywalker returned with Kam Solusar, they consulted the holocron again. Solusar sought Baas's advice, and Baas directed them back to Ossus. In time, Skywalker found more students and created an academy on Yavin 4; one of his pupils, Tionne, used the Tedryn Holocron to study Jedi history. When Skywalker encountered a Force power demonstrated by Corran Horn, he consulted Baas, who explained the ability, Alter Mind, and provided a primer on Force techniques. Skywalker also referred to Baas when seeking information on Exis Station.

Unbeknownst to the Jedi, Yavin 4 was the home of the spirit of Exar Kun. Kun began to prey on the students in 11 ABY, starting with Gantoris, whom he killed. Tionne spoke with Baas about her grief, and Baas counseled her on the Jedi Code. When Horn joined them, Baas told them about Keiran Halcyon. Tionne, trying to understand Gantoris' death, inquired about the history of Yavin 4. Baas told them of Kun and the Great Sith War. Shortly afterward, Kun destroyed the Tedryn Holocron, and with it Baas's gatekeeper persona. However, information from the holocron, including Baas's words, was preserved by Tionne, who in 40 ABY compiled it into a compendium on the Jedi and Sith.

Personality and traits

Bodo Baas was attentive to how Jedi used their powers. He emphasized that Jedi should not seek power, lest they become oppressors and fall to the dark side. He believed that certain Force abilities, including Alter Mind, could tempt one to abuse power. While Baas considered this ability useful, he also advised that its misuse could lead one too close to the dark side. Baas also considered an overemphasis on self-reliance, which he believed could devolve into selfishness, to be a path to the dark side. Other negative personal traits he cautioned against included inattention and carelessness.

Bodo Baas speaks to Kam Solusar.

Baas did not believe that darkness should be used to combat darkness. When Leia Organa Solo consulted him after Luke Skywalker attempted to destroy the dark side from within, Baas told her of three failed attempts to do so, including the tale of Ulic-Qel Droma. The Jedi Master advised caution in training Jedi students. He believed that while a student's eagerness to learn was positive, it also carried the temptation to seek the easy path of the dark side. As gatekeeper, Baas withheld advanced teachings from unprepared students. He also provided advice to students, such as when he discussed the Jedi Code and the nature of grief with Tionne and Corran Horn at Skywalker's Jedi academy.

Though Baas could sense the attitudes of others, he was not always accurate; when meeting Mendor Typhoons, Baas had to reevaluate his initial perceptions after realizing Typhoons was serious about his contempt for the Jedi. Like many Jedi, Baas struggled to understand extreme devotion to oneself and one's family, such as that found in sects like the Zeison Sha. While he debated philosophy with those who disagreed with Jedi beliefs, Baas believed that other Force sects should be allowed to follow their own paths, unless they turned to the dark side.

Powers and abilities

Bodo Baas was a powerful Jedi. Knowledgeable in divination, Baas foresaw events beyond his death. Through the Force, he could see all possible futures. Nonetheless, his skills were not perfect; when asked about Luke Skywalker's future, Baas could not divine it. Like most Jedi, Baas wielded a lightsaber.

Behind the scenes

The initial printing of the fifth issue of Star Wars: Dark Empire and the first two editions of the Dark Empire trade paperback misspelled Bodo Baas's name as Boda Baas. The endnotes corrected it to Bodo Baas.

Since his debut in Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy's Dark Empire 5, Bodo Baas has only appeared as a holocron gatekeeper. Jedi vs. Sith: The Essential Guide to the Force provides information on Baas's life, including first-person accounts.

The Essential Guide to Characters states that Baas died during the Empire's reign, giving him a lifespan of at least six centuries. Ultimate Alien Anthology defines Krevaaki as "old" at 95 and "venerable" at 130 years. While Baas's long lifespan is canon, this discrepancy remains unexplained. A Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded states that Baas "lived thousands of years ago," but does not specify the timeframe.

