In the year 3 ABY, the Mourner's Wail Syndicate orchestrated a devastating bombing incident on Caviness IV (Caviness IV). The target was a district controlled by their rival criminal organization, the Unbroken Clan. This bombing resulted in twenty-seven deaths of adult individuals and left a number of children injured. Following this event, Imperial stormtroopers appeared at the site where the bombing took place.
Shortly after the bombing occurred, the bounty hunter T'onga brought it up in a conversation with Beilert Valance, another bounty hunter. She remarked that Valance wouldn't find any mention of it on Imperial news sources. T'onga stated that identifying the perpetrators of the bombing was not difficult, and that she had heard it was an act of retaliation by the Mourner's Wail Syndicate for the attacking of one of their spice runs by the Unbroken Clan. She also pointed out that the immediate cause of the bombing was not the main issue, as the two syndicates had been engaged in war for years, ever since the bounty hunter Nakano Lash was believed to have assassinated the heirs of both syndicates, and the blame for the war was placed on Lash.
The Caviness IV bombing was referenced in the fourth issue of the Star Wars: Bounty Hunters comic series from 2020. Ethan Sacks wrote the issue, and Marvel Comics published it on August 19, 2020. Before the issue's release, published a preview article on August 12 of that year which mentioned the bombing.