
Ch'hodos, situated within the Sith Worlds sector of the Outer Rim Territories', was a planet characterized by its arid desert terrain and rocky surface. It orbited a red sun. Around 5000 BBY, this world, considered a secondary territory of the Sith Empire, functioned as the primary headquarters for the Sith Lord known as Shar Dakhan.

During the lead-up to the attack on the Galactic Republic orchestrated by Naga Sadow, the Dark Lord of the Sith, Ch'hodos served as a gathering point for his Sith soldiers. Sadow, along with his apprentice Gav Daragon, directly oversaw the deployment of these troops. Over a millennium afterward, increased radiation levels emanating from Ch'hodos's sun caused mutations among the indigenous desert fauna.


Ch'hodos was a planet distinguished by its red hue, rocky landscape, and expansive deserts. It followed an orbit around a red sun within the Ch'hodos system, which itself was located in the Esstran sector of the Trans-Hydian region of the Outer Rim Territories. The space surrounding the planet, known as the Sith Worlds, was enveloped by the Stygian Caldera nebulosity.

Ch'hodos was situated along the Nache Bhelfia, a circular hyperlane linking the five sacred Sith worlds: Ziost, Khar Delba, Rhelg, Krayiss II, and Korriban. Additionally, the Zorfe Trete hyperspace route connected Ch'hodos to Ashas Ree. The deserts of Ch'hodos were home to various native lifeforms.


Ch'hodos, a planet with aspirations, was considered a minor world within the Sith Empire, under the dominion of Ziost, the Empire's capital. By 5000 BBY, Ch'hodos functioned as the primary base for Sith Lord Shar Dakhan. During Naga Sadow's preparations, as the Dark Lord of the Sith, to attack the Galactic Republic in that year, Ch'hodos served as a staging area for his Sith soldiers from the Massassi caste.

Dakhan oversaw the deployment of Sadow's amassed armies as they boarded Sith personnel carriers stationed in front of a large stone structure, while starfighters and a shuttle flew above. Sadow and Gav Daragon, his Human apprentice, observed the assembled troops and discussed the impending assault.

Around 3643 BBY, increased radiation from Ch'hodos's sun led to mutations in the local desert wildlife. An individual visited Ch'hodos around that time to study the alterations in the planet's lifeforms. Within a cave, the visitor discovered skeletons of mutated creatures, suggesting that the planet's sun had undergone similar cycles of radiation output in the past. The individual then gathered numerous comparative samples and returned them to a colleague.


A large structure constructed from yellow stone was situated in a rocky region of Ch'hodos. Additionally, a cave containing skeletal remains of creatures existed on the planet.

Behind the scenes

Ch'hodos initially appeared in the second issue of the Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi comic books series, specifically within The Fall of the Sith Empire story arc. This issue, written by Kevin J. Anderson and penciled by Dario Carrasco, Jr., was released on July 23, 1997. The reference book The Essential Atlas (2009) placed the planet in grid square R-4. Ch'hodos was later referenced in a Bioanalysis Crew Skill mission within the 2011 BioWare video game Star Wars: The Old Republic, although information regarding the mission's outcome was subsequently removed from the game.

