"Change of Heart" is a brief narrative featured within the From a Certain Point of View collection. Elizabeth Wein is the author of this tale, which is presented using second-person narration.
The perspective of this story is that of the Imperial Navy Trooper responsible for guarding Princess Leia Organa while she was held as a prisoner on the original Death Star. This Imperial Navy Trooper protagonist has undergone training to suppress emotions, conceal any signs of discomfort, and control physical reactions to sensations such as pain, fear, or surprise. He feels envious of the stormtroopers, who have the benefit of wearing helmets that completely hide their faces. The trooper accompanies Darth Vader as he moves through the corridors of Detention Block AA-23 on their way to Cell 2187. The trooper is taken aback to find that the prisoner is a young woman, who is identified as Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.
The trooper notices that the young woman is clearly frightened and struggling to mask her fear. He reminds himself to avoid making direct eye contact. The trooper and his colleague separate to allow an IT-O Interrogator droid to enter the cell. While the trooper and his comrade observe, Vader and the droid proceed to interrogate Leia, seeking the location of the rebel base. As Leia undergoes torture at the hands of the droid and cries out in pain, the trooper finds it difficult to maintain control over his own emotions. He begins to suspect that Leia is focused on concealing her true thoughts, much like he is.
Even while being subjected to torture, Leia steadfastly refuses to divulge any information. Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin subsequently requests her presence. Despite being in restraints, Leia manages to maintain a composed and unwavering demeanor. The trooper is surprised to notice that Leia is matching his pace. The trooper keeps his gaze forward and maintains his emotionless facade. He mentally instructs himself to concentrate and to disregard Leia. The trooper and his fellow guard watch as Leia confronts both Tarkin and Darth Vader. The trooper finds himself so captivated by Leia's exchange with Tarkin that he momentarily forgets that he is not supposed to be listening.
The trooper overhears Leia issuing a defiant warning to Tarkin, stating that the more he tightens his grip, the more star systems will slip away from him. Tarkin then announces his decision to demonstrate the destructive power of the Death Star by targeting her home planet of Alderaan. Leia insists that Alderaan is a peaceful planet, but Tarkin demands that she identify a military target. When Tarkin presses her for the location of the rebel base, she provides the name of Dantooine. By carefully observing her body language, the trooper comes to the conclusion that Leia is being untruthful.
Tarkin seems to accept her answer but then gives the order to destroy Alderaan as a display of Imperial might. Despite his outward appearance of indifference, the trooper is internally overcome with shock and disbelief. Tarkin taunts Leia for her naivety as the Death Star obliterates Alderaan. By carefully observing Leia's body language, the trooper realizes that Leia had not betrayed anything despite facing torture and death. The trooper contemplates exposing Leia's lie but ultimately decides against betraying her, driven by his admiration for her strength and dedication to her cause. The trooper reflects that his silence effectively makes him an ally and a rebel.