Club Lao Che

Club Lao Che existed as a cantina located somewhere within the galaxy. Clone Force 99 accompanied the pirate Phee Genoa on a mission to this establishment to have a meeting with the criminal figure Lanse Crowder.


The cantina known as Club Lao Che was a popular gathering place for a diverse range of individuals. The interior of the club was dimly lit, but it featured many brightly illuminated elements, notably three signs displaying the club's name in Aurebesh in different colors.


Around 18 BBY, Omega and Phee Genoa arranged a meeting at the cantina with the criminal Lanse Crowder and his associates, with the intention of purchasing a tree-shaped artifact. Crowder demanded payment upfront, but Genoa insisted on verifying the artifact's authenticity first. Crowder noticed Omega and inquired if she worked alone, to which Genoa responded that she was teaching Omega the "art of negotiation." Crowder offered them drinks, but Genoa declined, implying it was poison. Although Crowder expressed his admiration, he covertly released a kouhun beneath the table.

The interior of the club

Simultaneously, Hunter, a member of Clone Force 99 alongside Omega, detected movement. Omega explained that Genoa was not merely a pirate, but rather a liberator of ancient wonders. While Genoa concurred, Hunter engaged in a game of sabacc with a Bith, preventing the Bith from reaching for a card by grabbing their hands. Before the kouhun could inject its venom into Genoa's neck, Hunter impaled the creature against the wall using his knife. Crowder's helmeted bodyguards then aimed their blasters at Hunter. Despite Crowder's belief that he held the advantage, Genoa revealed that Hunter was not her only "muscle."

Subsequently, Wrecker, another member of Clone Force 99, revealed himself and neutralized several of Crowder's henchmen, initiating a firefight. Omega joined the battle, firing her energy bow at Crowder and his men, before securing the artifact and collapsing the ceiling lamp above Crowder. Hunter requested extraction from Tech, another team member, who prepared the Marauder outside the club. Genoa and the clones escaped by deploying smoke bombs to confuse Crowder and his forces. They fled the cantina and boarded the waiting Marauder.

Behind the scenes

The club's name is a reference to Lao Che, the primary antagonist at the beginning of Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, a Lucasfilm production. This name is a reciprocal nod to a Star Wars reference within the movie, where the opening scene unfolds in an establishment named Club Obi Wan, which is named after Obi-Wan Kenobi from the Star Wars saga. The cantina scene bears a striking resemblance to the film's opening, where the titular character and Lao Che negotiate over an artifact, the negotiations escalate into violence, the titular character is presented with a poisoned drink, and it is revealed that he had secretly brought reinforcements; mirroring the events that transpire between Lanse Crowder and Phee Genoa in this episode.

