"Coby and the Starhunters" marks the ninth installment in the animated series Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO. This episode was crafted in writing by Joe Johnston in collaboration with Peter Sauder, and Ken Stephenson took the director's chair. Its original broadcast occurred on November 2, 1985, via the ABC television network.
Before co-writing this episode, Joe Johnston contributed as an art director to Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi. He also served as the production designer for Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure. Furthermore, he is the author of The Adventures of Teebo: A Tale of Magic and Suspense.
On the world of Tammuz-an, Prince Coby has gained acceptance to the Imperial Academy. C-3PO, R2-D2, and their owner Jann Tosh, who is still awaiting his acceptance results, are tasked with escorting Coby to the Academy. C-3PO complains about the weight of Prince Coby's belongings, but Coby pays no attention.
As the young prince says his farewells to King Julpa and Princess Gerin Toda, his father, Lord Malameu Toda, expresses his hope that the training program will benefit his headstrong son. Lord Toda worries about his son's deficiency in ambition. Coby's Tessellated Arboreal binjinphant pet, Ingey, annoys C-3PO, leading the droid to instruct Coby to leash his pet. Gerin bids her younger brother farewell. Coby says goodbye to King Julpa and his father. Tosh assures them that he and his droids will ensure Coby's safe arrival at the Academy.
While the droids struggle with Coby's luggage, they discover Coby is missing. While Tosh deals with the luggage, Threepio and Artoo set out to locate him. Coby has recently inherited funds from his great-uncle and intends to use it to purchase a pair of war droids at the Tammuz-an spaceport. However, Threepio and Artoo intervene. Coby complains that the war droids would have been superior companions to R2-D2 and C-3PO.
The droids and Jann journey with Coby to Zallakesh spaceport on the planet Chuzalla for a layover en route to the Imperial Academy. Coby desires to explore the spaceport, but C-3PO considers Zallakesh a haven for criminals. While Jann confirms their connecting transport, he entrusts Coby to the droids' care.
At the spaceport, they encounter a vessel labeled the Starhunter's Intergalactic Menagerie, advertising creatures from distant galaxies." Upon seeing Coby's rare pet, Ingey, Captain Stroon and his assistant Slarm resolve to abduct it. Coby expresses a wish to visit Honest Tobar's Used Spacecraft, which sells old ships. C-3PO declines to lend Coby money for a ship, advising him to respect his elders.
A rebellious Coby enters the starship lot and takes an interest in a Blakhawk Destroyer. However, he discovers that Slarm has severed Ingey's leash and kidnapped him. Slarm escapes aboard the Starhunter's Intergalactic Menagerie. Coby pursues them to the ship and demands Ingey's release. C-3PO offers to negotiate with the merchants, but they depart, leaving the trio behind. Prince Coby falls from the departing starship, landing on a roof before bouncing onto a mounted animal, dislodging its rider. R2-D2 saves Coby, who is distraught over the loss of his pet.
Determined to rescue Ingey, he and R2-D2 purchase the Blackhawk Destroyer from a tentacled alien merchant, who allows them a test flight. Coby struggles to control the ship, but R2-D2 manages to pilot it. R2-D2 convinces Coby to retrieve C-3PO from the streets. R2-D2 then pilots the ship into space. Exiting Chuzalla's atmosphere, they overtake the Starhunter's ship and attach themselves to its hull using their magnetic landing gear before the larger vessel jumps to lightspeed.
After detaching from the Starhunter's ship, Artoo crash-lands the Blackhawk Destroyer in the jungle of an uncharted planet, situated within the Dandelo system. Threepio sends a distress signal moments before they are captured by a group of bird-like natives known as Fuzzums armed with spears. Translating, C-3PO informs Coby that the Fuzzums believe they are "Starhunters" and intend to sell C-3PO and cook R2-D2 in a stew. When Coby inquires about his fate, he learns that they plan to cook him for stew.
C-3PO speaks to the Fuzzums, explaining that Coby and the droids have come to rescue an animal. C-3PO says it was motivated by love and thinks he has gotten through to them. The Fuzzums lead Coby and the droids to a series of caves, which were once their homes before the Starhunters drove them out. C-3PO explains that Fuzzums are now hunted and enslaved, forced to hunt and trap other animals. Coby spots Ingey, who briefly escapes his bag but is recaptured by a droid and placed in Cage Seven. Slarm breaks his glasses in the process.
Coby wants to rescue his pets but R2-D2 and C-3PO counsel him to wait. C-3PO comforts Coby and decides to work on a rescue plan. At the Fuzzums' camp, C-3PO devises a plan to rescue Ingey and the animals by creating a diversion that involves imitating the call of a spotted jugadoo. The Starhunters gather their weapons and nets. While the Starhunters are in the forest trying to catch the animal, Coby and Artoo sneak to the cages and find Ingey locked up with a male humanoid called Greej.
Greej warns them that the patrol droid is about to make his round while R2-D2 gets to work unlocking the cage. When Coby asks Greej if he can fly a starship, he replies that he could try. Meanwhile, C-3PO has attracted the affections of a real spotted jugadoo , who grabs him with his trunk. The Starhunters drop their nets but capture C-3PO instead. The real jugadoo charges at them.
R2-D2 succeeds in freeing Greej and Ingey but they are confronted by the patrol droid. While Greej struggles with patrol droid, Artoo fires a flare to signal the Fuzzums, who attack a patrol droid guarding the caves. R2-D2 tries to rescue Greej from the claws of the patrol droid but the patrol droid hurls R2-D2 aside, causing him to blow a fuse and shuts down. The patrol droid is about to hurl Greej over the edge but Ingey convinces Coby to fire a laser weapon, which causes the patrol droid to fall off the catwalk into a deep chasm.
While the Fuzzums liberate the captured animals and their kin, Coby helps Greej who is hanging to the door frame above the destroyed section of the catwalk. Coby is upset that R2-D2 has shut down but Greej offers to fix him. Hearing C-3PO's cries, Coby and Greej rush to safe him just as Artoo begins to reboot. They find C-3PO fleeing the Jugadoo, which is dragging the Starhunters in a net. Coby introduces C-3PO and Greej to each other. C-3PO flees a jugadoo, which has a crush for him.
Following a brief struggle, the leading poacher Captain Stroon manages to regain control of the laser weapon. He plans to evacuate with his men at gunpoint. However, Jann arrives to save the day and shoots the laser weapon out of Stroon's hands. He orders the poachers at gunpoint to enter a cage. When Coby asks Jann how he found them, Jann replies that he followed the Blackhawk's distress call. Coby relates his adventures to Jann while the Starhunters are marched into captivity.
As the Fuzzums celebrate their village's liberation, Jann and Greej repair R2-D2. As they reactivate Artoo, Greej recounts how he used to run a traveling animal sanctuary, before Stroon and his gang took it over. The good natured Greej planned to return the animals to their natural planetary habitats, but he was short of money. Coby decides to give Greej his uncle's inheritance, after which the older alien takes on the young prince as a partner.
Jann Tosh reveals he has been accepted into the Imperial Academy. Since he is not allowed to take his droids with him, Jann released Artoo and Threepio from his services. No longer master and servants, they part as friends. Artoo and Threepio take their leave of Jann and remain on the unknown planet surrounded by dancing natives and a lovestruck Jugadoo. R2-D2 reassures that they will be alright together.