The eighth episode of Star Wars: Droids: The Adventures of R2-D2 and C-3PO is titled "The Revenge of Kybo Ren". Ken Stephenson directed this episode, while Peter Sauder penned the script. It was initially broadcasted on October 26, 1985 via the ABC network.
R2-D2 and C-3PO are seen maneuvering a serving cart for the guest of King Mon Julpa. King Mon Julpa of Tammuz-an is playing host to his adversary, the warlord Lord Toda, in an attempt to broker a truce to their long-standing feud. An unknown figure, cloaked and hooded, is observed trying to scale the vines leading up to an elevated window outside. However, R2-D2 inadvertently ejects the contents of the serving cart through the aforementioned window. The mysterious, hooded figure then uses the now-vacant window as an entryway, after R2-D2 and C-3PO depart.
An official from Tammuz-an, named Sollag Den, presents Lord Toda with King Julpa's peace treaty. Coby expresses his hunger to his sister Gerin, Lord Toda's daughter, along with his pet Ingey. Gerin advises her younger sibling, Coby, to be patient and explains that their father needs to focus. Julpa informs Lord Toda of the necessity to set aside their ancient conflict and unite Tammuz-an against external threats such as the pirate Gir Kybo Ren-Cha. Jann Tosh and Jessica Meade are shown seated behind King Julpa.
Toda displays a lack of interest in peace, challenging Julpa's right to the throne and downplaying the danger posed by Kybo Ren. Julpa credits the droids, along with Jann and Jessica, for their role in defeating Ren. Lord Toda dismisses Julpa's proposal for an alliance, questioning why he would need the Outer Territories when he already has advisors and droids. Gerin tells her father that Mon Julpa is implying that they require him as much as he requires them. Toda questions his daughter about where her loyalties lie. Gerin responds that she is loyal to their planet and to the cause of peace. Julpa smiles in response.
Mon Julpa is accused of attempting to deceive him by Toda. Sollag becomes enraged by this, calling Toda a barbarian. A skirmish almost erupts when Toda kicks over a table, causing Jann and Jessie to stand up. Mon Julpa attempts to pacify the two warring parties. However, the impending fight is quickly defused when R2-D2 wheels C-3PO into the throne room on the serving cart. C-3PO collides with the dinner table. Ingey licks C-3PO, much to the protocol droid's irritation, but to the amusement of everyone else. This helps to alleviate the tension in the throne room as laughter fills the air. Despite this, Toda remains suspicious of Julpa. Gerin states that she will speak with her father and assures Julpa that he will receive his answer by the following day.
C-3PO offers an apology for ruining dinner, but Jann assures him that his entrance could not have been timed any better. Jann tells Julpa that he has reservations about trusting Lord Toda. Julpa responds that peace cannot exist without trust.
Jyn Obah, who serves as Kybo Ren's first mate, infiltrates Mon Julpa's palace with the intention of freeing his captain. He utilizes a mini-stunner on the guards and successfully releases Ren. They avoid detection by the remaining palace guards by disguising themselves as Tammuz-an natives, and then proceed towards the docking bay.
C-3PO attempts to assist Jann with his R-22 Spearhead starfighter, but inadvertently locks the cockpit canopy. While C-3PO is complaining, Jann requests R2-D2's assistance and instructs C-3PO to seek help from Jessica. C-3PO briefly greets Gerin and Mon Julpa. While walking through the hallway, he crosses paths with Jyn Obah and Kybo Ren. After passing them, he remembers seeing the pirates.
The pirates stun Mon Julpa while he is outside. Gerin throws Jyn into a pile of equipment. She makes an attempt to stop Kybo Ren, but C-3PO interferes, allowing Kybo Ren to push him aside. Jann manages to escape from his R-22 Spearhead fighter, but Ren stuns him using a mini-stunner. He proceeds to stun Gerin and abducts the princess. Mon Julpa escapes aboard the second R-22 Spearhead with the kidnapped Gerin. Jessica arrives too late. C-3PO, Mon Julpa, and Jann come to the realization that they are in a difficult situation.
Lord Toda is enraged and demands that C-3PO be destroyed for his part in Gerin's kidnapping. Jann argues that it was accidental. Jessie mentions that Jyn Obah possesses knowledge of Kybo Ren's whereabouts but is refusing to cooperate. Mon Julpa expresses his belief that Jann and Jess are capable of rescuing Gerin, and even offers to surrender himself to Lord Toda until they can ensure his daughter's safe return. Lord Toda agrees to this arrangement. Before departing, Mon Julpa instructs Jess to ensure that no harm comes to Princess Gerin, as she holds a special place in his heart. C-3PO feels responsible for the situation, but suddenly has an idea.
Jyn Obah is confined to one of the palace's dungeons. C-3PO and R2-D2 visit his cell in order to interrogate him. C-3PO feigns panic and informs Jyn that R2-D2 is a cold and merciless interrogator. R2-D2 enters, showcasing all of his tools. This has the desired psychological impact on Jyn. C-3PO plays along, further intimidating Jyn. Fearing the spirited astromech droid, Jyn reveals to the two that Ren has taken Gerin to the swamp planet known as the Bog moon of Bogden. The droids relay this information to Jann and Jess, who immediately set out on a rescue mission.
Kybo Ren eventually arrives on the moon and takes refuge inside a wrecked star cruiser. Gerin is imprisoned in a cell that is guarded by a canine sungwa. Ren cautions a defiant Gerin that if she leaves her cell, she will be devoured by the creature and many others like it. Feeling confident, he contacts Mon Julpa and Toda via radio, informing them that he will release Gerin if they agree to free all of his crew. Julpa warns Toda that Kybo Ren is not to be trusted and asserts that Jann and Jess are Gerin's only hope. He warns Julpa that they better not fail.
Jann, Jess, and the droids journey to the Bog Moon aboard two R-22 Spearheads. R2-D2 locks onto Kybo Ren's signal emanating from the moon. Inside Kybo Ren's makeshift fortress, Gerin escapes from her cell and locks the sungwa inside. However, Kybo Ren is monitoring her through a surveillance camera and vows that she will not escape the sungwas. Meanwhile, Jann, Jess, and the droids land their starfighters on Bog Den.
At C-3PO's suggestion, they decide to split up and begin searching the various levels of the star cruiser.
Gerin is chased by several sungwa through the flooded corridors of the wrecked cruiser. She comes to a dead end and climbs down to confront the canines, which are capable of jumping from great heights. Gerin arms herself with a stick and pledges to confront Kybo Ren. At that moment, Jann and C-3PO arrive on a bridge above. In an attempt to make amends, C-3PO throws himself into the pit. Jann becomes distracted and loses his footing on the bridge, struggling to hold on. C-3PO attempts to distract the sungwa hounds and leads them through a tunnel. Gerin tells Jann that they must help C-3PO.
Ren, observing through a surveillance camera, boasts that they will not find their way out before the sungwas get to them. He contacts Lord Toda, claiming that his rescue team has failed. Toda responds that it was not his doing and blames Mon Julpa for his daughter's capture. Coby demands to know what Ren has done to his older sister. Ren remarks that he shares his sister's fearlessness but not his father's foolishness. Raising the ransom price, Ren demands his crew, his ship, and Mon Julpa. Julpa warns Toda that Ren is not to be trusted. Even Coby argues that Gerin believes in Mon Julpa and would not want him to do this. Toda demands to know Gerin's location.
Ren states that he will reveal her location as soon as his men arrive. Unbeknownst to Ren, Jessica and R2-D2 are watching him. Jessie and R2-D2 attempt to sneak up on him but are stopped by a force field. Ren boasts that no one can sneak up on him due to his force field. The two are then ensnared in creeper vines.
Meanwhile, Jann and Gerin track C-3PO to a pit. A bright light appears, causing the sungwa to flee the pit. Venturing into the pit, they discover that C-3PO drove them away by removing his arm and short-circuiting their surroundings. Gerin expresses her gratitude to C-3PO for his bravery. Jann carries C-3PO.
Elsewhere in space, Ren's crew has been released from their prison cells. Jyn Obah pilots the Dianoga and travels to Bogden with Mon Julpa as a hostage. Ren is pleased and anticipates meeting Julpa. Back in his command center, Ren abandons Jessie and R2-D2, who are still restrained by the vines. Jessie notices that Ren has deactivated his force field. She tells R2-D2 that they need to free themselves and utilize Ren's surveillance system to warn Jann. R2-D2 uses his cutting tools to free himself.
While navigating the flooded corridors of the ship, C-3PO apologizes for being a burden to Master Jann. Jann is understanding and states that they need to find their way out. Gerin remarks that the passages all look the same. Jessie contacts them over the comm system. She warns them that Kybo's crew is approaching. Jann, C-3PO, and Gerin conceal themselves from Kybo Ren. R2-D2 emerges from hiding and unleashes a pack of sungwas. They reunite with Jessie, who leads them to a hangar.
The group is confronted by Jyn and the remaining members of Kybo's crew. C-3PO blames himself for their predicament. They are soon joined by Kybo Ren, who has defeated the sungwa pack. Ren is overjoyed to see his ship restored and rejects Jyn, who anticipated a hug. Gerin is distressed to see that Mon Julpa has been taken captive by Ren. Ren claims that he is a gift from Lord Toda. Julpa reminds the pirate leader to honor his end of the bargain and release Gerin to her father.
Ren informs Mon Julpa that he has no intention of releasing Gerin. King Julpa responds that he is not a fool, and neither is Lord Toda. He opens the ship's cargo hold, revealing Lord Toda and a full complement of Tammuz-an warriors. A firefight erupts between the warriors and the pirates. Mon Julpa, Gerin, and the droids assist Lord Toda and his warriors in subduing Ren and the pirates. Kybo Ren attempts to escape but trips over C-3PO's body. Julpa and Toda take Ren into custody. Ren and his crew are captured once again.
C-3PO later recounts the events on Bog Moon to Coby, explaining that they kept the pirates occupied while Toda and Julpa constructed a secret compartment aboard the pirate ship. Coby is amazed that the pirates never suspected that Toda and his men were hidden inside the ship. Everyone returns to Tammuz-an, where Mon Julpa and Lord Toda agree to sign the charter of peace.
Jessica announces that she is sadly departing the planet to return to Tyne's Horky. Jann is saddened, but Jessie explains that they must pursue their dreams. She explains that she has her freighter business, while Jann plans to join the Imperial Space Academy. C-3PO expresses that R2-D2 and he are sad to see him leave. She hugs C-3PO and tells him to stay in touch and take care of his master. Jessie also embraces Jann before she departs. Julpa also hugs Jessie. While Jann assists Jessie in loading her ship, Coby asks C-3PO to recount how they captured Kybo Ren. C-3PO explains that he had luck and friends on his side.
The derelict starship situated in the Bogden swamps bears a strong resemblance to a Klingon Bird of Prey, a spacecraft that was initially showcased in the 1984 film Star Trek III: The Search for Spock.
This episode was included on DVD in 2004 as part of the movie The Pirates and the Prince. The DVD's English subtitles incorrectly spell Coby's name as Koby.
The swamp world of Bogden makes its debut in this episode. Jango Fett later referenced this planetary location in Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, and it was featured in the video game Star Wars: Bounty Hunter. This is one of the several elements from the Droids and Ewoks animated series which were later incorporated into the films.