The combat speeder served as a speeder model employed by General Grievous, who was the Supreme Commander of the Droid Army for the Confederacy of Independent Systems throughout the Clone Wars. Additionally, Sugi arms dealers working for Endente utilized these speeders. Later, during the Imperial Era, the Galactic Empire's Imperial Armor Corps also incorporated combat speeders into their forces.
The design of the combat speeder included a turbine engine, a dual set of laser cannons, and rocket launchers embedded within the forward section. A straightforward column linked to directional vanes provided steering. Endente's arms dealing group had access to this particular model of speeder.

General Grievous made use of his speeder during his campaign to seize control of the planet Florrum. He pursued Hondo Ohnaka, the remaining members of his pirates, and a group of Jedi Younglings with it, intending to prevent their escape from Florrum. Moreover, Endente's Sugi arms dealers also operated these speeders on Utapau. These were distinguished by red markings, and at least a couple had a heavy cannon mounted on their front. They engaged in a chase of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi after the Jedi stole their massive kyber crystal.
During the Imperial Era under the Galactic Empire's rule, the Imperial Army's Imperial Armor Corps deployed combat speeders alongside other vehicle types to provide support for infantry operations.