Conference on Aviles Prime

Around 21 BBY, on the Expansion Region celestial body Aviles Prime, a summit was held concerning Aviles Prime. Lorca Oviedo, the Director General of the military weaponry production company Oviedo Engineering, was present at this gathering. Following the conclusion of the conference, he was scheduled to journey to Coruscant, the capital planet located within the Galactic Republic's Core Worlds; nevertheless, during their voyage to Coruscant, his Consular-class cruiser and accompanying clone commando protection exited hyperspace only to be shot down by Separatist combatants, resulting in a crash landing on the moon Asturias within the Expansion Region.

Behind the scenes

The Aviles Prime conference is referenced within the flashback sequences of the comic narrative "Honor Bound." This comic was released by Dark Horse Comics on February 23, 2005, specifically as part of the twenty-second edition of the Star Wars Tales comic series. The author of the story was Ian Edginton, and the illustrations were created by Steve Pugh.

