Contemplanys Hermi

Contemplanys Hermi was a stipulation within the Galactic Constitution of the Galactic Republic. This stipulation exclusively concerned the Corellian sector and its associated regions, the homeland of Corellia, one of the Core Founders. Contemplanys Hermi granted Corellia the authority to seal off its borders and withdraw its delegation from the Galactic Senate, effectively relinquishing its veto power while maintaining its Republican affiliation. The implementation of this provision imposed several restrictions on non-Corellians within the sector. Furthermore, it prevented the Republic from enlisting the support of Corellia's populace and the Corellian Security Force for the Republic Military. Its inclusion in the Constitution was a recognition of Corellia's essential role in establishing the galactic government.

This clause, a provision incorporated around 16,700 BBY, was so infrequently utilized that it became largely forgotten. One notable instance involved Corellia's attempted secession in 470 BBY. Much later, during the Separatist Crisis, Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis invoked Contemplanys Hermi to distance himself and his sector from the debate surrounding the Military Creation Act, which he believed threatened Corellian autonomy. Senator Bel Iblis faced considerable criticism for this action, yet he remained steadfast in his opposition to the Grand Army of the Republic throughout the Clone Wars, consistently absenting himself from regular Galactic Senate sessions until compelled to attend during the Imperial Period.


Contemplanys Hermi was a specific stipulation within the Galactic Constitution, the foundational document outlining the legal and philosophical framework for the operation of the Galactic Republic's governing body. The term Contemplanys Hermi originated from Olys Corellisi, translating to "meditative solitude" in Basic. The name was fitting, as activating this provision allowed the Corellian sector to enforce border closures and adopt a neutral stance, while maintaining its status as a Republic member. It was crucial to note that Contemplanys Hermi did not represent an act of secession, but rather a declaration of suspended diplomatic relations.

The Corellian delegation within the Republic's Galactic Senate held the power to invoke it, resulting in their withdrawal from Senate proceedings. Consequently, Corellia would relinquish its veto authority for the duration of Contemplanys Hermi. This clause was exclusively applicable to the Corellian sector, with no other delegation possessing the ability to utilize it. While the clause remained in effect, the Corellian sector became inaccessible to all individuals except native-born and naturalized citizens of the region. Non-residents required special permission from the Corellian Security Force to enter or exit the sector. Trade and commerce vessels were mandated to offload their goods at Outlier systems, where transports operated by the Corellian Merchants' Guild would then retrieve the cargo and transport it to the inner worlds.

Furthermore, all off-duty and reserve personnel of the Corellian Security Force were mobilized during Contemplanys Hermi. The Republic was also prohibited from integrating members of the CSF into an interplanetary defense force intended to safeguard the galactic government, and the government was barred from stationing soldiers from such a defense force on Corellian planets. Despite the limitations imposed on non-native and non-naturalized citizens, non-Corellian businesses operating within the sector were permitted to continue their activities, provided they adhered to the existing travel and shipping restrictions. Compliance typically necessitated membership in the Corellian Merchants' Guild.




Corellia, both the planet and its surrounding sector, played a crucial role in the establishment of the Galactic Republic around 25,053 BBY. In recognition of its unique culture and contributions to the Republic, the Core Founder was granted the Contemplanys Hermi clause, which was integrated into the constitution following the First Alsakan Conflict, approximately 16,700 BBY.

Corellia cited the potential for another war between Core planets Coruscant and Alsakan, its sympathy for Alsakan, and its strong ties to the Grand Companies and the Corellian Run as reasons for the clause. The clause allowed Corellia to distance itself from Republic affairs for a period of time, especially if Coruscant and Alsakan resumed hostilities. The clause was rarely invoked and eventually faded into obscurity, but it resurfaced during Corellia's bid to become an independent governmental body in 470 BBY. This attempt ultimately failed, and Contemplanys Hermi was largely forgotten.

Separatist Crisis

The clause remained unmentioned until the Separatist Crisis in the later years of the Galactic Republic. During this time, numerous star systems and sectors declared their intention to secede from what they perceived as the "corrupt" Republic, aiming to establish a new government based on free-market capitalism and minimal intervention from the interstellar state. Amidst this turmoil, the Galactic Senate of the Republic initiated debate on the Military Creation Act, a proposal to create an Army of the Republic to defend the government against potential violence from the growing independence movement.

From the moment the vote date for the Military Creation Act was announced, the citizens of Corellia expressed strong opposition to the legislation, particularly in the planet's capital city of Coronet. Within the Galactic Congress, Corellian Senator Garm Bel Iblis emerged as a prominent critic of the act, believing it to be detrimental to both the Republic and his constituents. Following a week of private discussions between the Senator and Corellian Diktat Shyla Merricope, Bel Iblis returned to the Senate on 3:14 in 22 BBY and invoked Contemplanys Hermi, withdrawing his delegation from the debate on the Military Creation Act and shielding his sector from its consequences. Historically, Contemplanys Hermi had prompted the Senate to reconsider actions deemed perilous by Corellians. However, Bel Iblis's gamble ultimately failed, the Military Creation Act was passed, and the galaxy was plunged into war.

During his address to the Senate, Bel Iblis assured his colleagues that the Corellian government had not submitted any Articles of Secession and that the invocation was not a precursor to joining the Separatist movement. On Corellia, Diktat Merricope informed Corellia Sector Newsfeed that the decision was intended to safeguard the people of Corellia and preserve the sector for its native inhabitants. In response, Supreme Chancellor Palpatine extended an offer of parley to Confederate leader Count Dooku, which ultimately went unheeded. Corellia maintained its neutral stance throughout the remainder of the Separatist Crisis and continued its isolationist policies into the ensuing Clone Wars.

Post-Clone Wars

Shortly after the conclusion of the Clone Wars and the establishment of the Galactic Empire through Chancellor Palpatine's Declaration of a New Order, Corellia's "meditative solitude" came to an end when Senator Bel Iblis was summoned to attend meetings of the Imperial Senate after Emperor Palpatine repealed the proviso from the Constitution, deeming it an antiquated relic.

Subsequent intergalactic governments exhibited less tolerance for Corellian isolationism than the Republic had shown, signaling the termination of the special recognition afforded to the sector, as embodied in Contemplanys Hermi. The seclusion of the Corellian sector in the post-Palpatine era faced active opposition from New Republic Chief of State Leia Organa Solo, and the isolation movement of 40 ABY was deemed illegal under the provisions of the Galactic Alliance Common Charter. This latter instance ultimately triggered the Second Galactic Civil War in an effort to end Corellia's isolationist tendencies.


Senator Orn Free Taa, one of Bel Iblis's most vocal critics

Senator Bel Iblis faced severe criticism from his Senate colleagues upon declaring Contemplanys Hermi in 22 BBY. As he and his delegation departed the Senate Convocation Chamber, amidst cries of protest, they required escort by Corellian Security Personnel and Senate Guards to navigate through journalists and incensed representatives within the Senate Dome. This tumultuous event further destabilized the already fragile Galactic Republic.

Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, a frequent political adversary of Bel Iblis, was attending a financial conference on Aargau during the session but issued a statement regarding the Corellian delegation's actions. In his statement, he expressed his disappointment that a sector so closely connected to the Republic's core lacked confidence in the democratic process regarding the Military Creation Act's potential benefits for the broader galaxy. Twi'lek Senator Orn Free Taa of Ryloth offered a harsher assessment to HoloNet News reporters, denouncing the invocation as hypocritical and referencing Bel Iblis's statements from two years prior concerning the legality of secession. The Twi'lek praised his sector's unwavering loyalty to the Republic throughout numerous turbulent periods and condemned Corellia's perceived lack of similar fidelity as "shameful."

Human Senator Ister Paddie of Sermeria echoed Free Taa's sentiments, criticizing Contemplanys Hermi as a selfish act, given Corellia's status as one of the Republic's wealthiest and most self-sufficient sectors. Paddie emphasized that his own sector of Locris was considerably less affluent, yet remained committed to supporting the Republic during its time of crisis.

Behind the scenes

Contemplanys Hermi was initially introduced in HoloNet News Vol. 531 47, a 2002 update to the HoloNet News website. HoloNet News served as a regular online feature preceding the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones. The article concerning Contemplanys Hermi, titled "Corellia Closes Borders," formed part of a larger narrative unfolding throughout HoloNet News, focusing on the debate surrounding the Military Creation Act.

