Corellia Chew

These small, round dessert treats, known as Corellia Chews, were baked until they achieved a chewy texture and a gold hue, finished with a dusting of white. The inside of these vegetarian spheres held a delightful surprise: a white filling combining the tangy taste of fruit with the sweetness of cream. These delicacies were crafted by the Corellian people, inhabitants of Corellia, a planet situated within the industrialized [Core Worlds](/article/core_worlds]. Between 34 ABY and 35 ABY, while on a gastronomic journey across the galaxy, the esteemed Artiodac chef Strono Tuggs acquired some Corellia Chews from a vendor's booth in Diadem Square, located in Coronet City, the capital city of Corellia.

Later during his travels, he bartered a portion of his Corellia Chews with a chef on Sergia for the recipe to Sand Mynock 'n' Cheese. Impressed by the level of baking expertise implied by the dessert, he decided to include its recipe in his third published cookbook, titled The Ultimate Cookbook, released in 35 ABY. Within its pages, he remarked that the Chews nearly redeemed his visit to the unappealing Coronet City.

Behind the scenes

The recipe for Corellia Chews was originally developed for the 2023 publication, Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook, authored by Jenn Fujikawa and Marc Sumerak. In an out-of-universe context, the recipe treats the Chews like mochi, utilizing ingredients such as mascarpone cream, confectioners' sugar, heavy cream, and crushed pineapple for the filling. The mochi dough itself is made from mochiko, water, granulated sugar, yellow food gel dye, and potato starch.


  • Star Wars: The Ultimate Cookbook (First mentioned)

Notes and references
