
Corpse-leeches were a type of carnivorous, non-sentient species that originated on Carnelion IV. Key characteristics included their six eyes, red colored skin, and the presence of wings.


These humanoid carnivores, known as Corpse-Leechers, resided in the mountainous open areas of Carnelion IV. Their attacks frequently targeted both the Open and the Closed, compelling them to relocate to fortified mountain bases and rely on Airships for transportation.


Before the conflict between the Opens and the Closed, Corpse leeches were not found on Carnelion IV. The widespread use of toxic gases and biological weapons during the war resulted in the mutation of numerous humans into what became known as Corpse-Leeches.

During their time on Carnelion IV, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and companions Grecker, Pran, and Kolara, faced an assault by corpse-leeches. Kenobi instructed Anakin to simply divert the creatures rather than kill them, believing that their existence shouldn't be ended just because they were obstructing their path. Despite this, Skywalker found it difficult to repel them and ultimately slew a number of the creatures using his lightsaber.

