Grecker, a male near-human individual, was a member of the Closed faction. He lived on the planet called Carnelion IV, roughly three years after the well-known Invasion of Naboo.
As a member of the Closed, Grecker was engaged in combat on Carnelion IV when Obi-Wan Kenobi and his Padawan learner, Anakin Skywalker, experienced a crash landing. While the two Jedi conversed with Pran and Kolara, Grecker launched an assault on the group utilizing his airgun. While everyone else sought shelter, Kenobi utilized a saber throw to destroy Grecker's craft. As his ship hurtled towards the ground, Skywalker rescued him as he jumped from the wreckage. Pran and Grecker brandished their weapons and confronted each other, only to have Skywalker disarm them by bisecting their guns. They then pulled knives and charged, but Kenobi intervened. Under questioning, Grecker blamed the Open for instigating the conflict, while Pran countered that the Closed were responsible for the planet's devastation. As Kenobi prepared to depart, Greecker emphasized that he and the others would perish if left on the mountain. Consequently, the Jedi made the decision to escort them to safety.
During their descent to the planet's surface, Skywalker proposed recovering components from the destroyed Open and Closed airships to construct a functional vehicle. Initially, Greecker expressed doubt about the feasibility of the plan. However, upon hearing the Padawan mention a distress signal being transmitted off-world, both Greecker and Pran had a change of heart and agreed to collaborate.
As the group progressed toward the distress signal's origin, they encountered a box suspended from a kite. Grecker seized it from the air and discarded it onto the planet's surface. Subsequently, he returned to the pilot's seat and engaged in a conversation with Kenobi regarding his relationship with Skywalker. Their airship then came under attack by Fishers. Grecker joined Kenobi in the effort to repel the Fisher assault. He was battling the swarming Fishers when Mother Pran, who had departed the airship in a flyer, detonated it.
Grecker and Kenobi managed to escape the crippled airship. Upon landing, they were confronted by a group of Fishers on Carnelion IV's surface, but Kenobi successfully intimidated and drove them away. Grecker recovered a pair of breath masks from the wreckage and accompanied Kenobi across the Celadon Sea towards the distress signal's source. Upon reaching the source, they were attacked by several Carnelian dragons. Grecker then launched a flare to summon assistance. As Kenobi engaged the creatures, Sera opened a door to her building and invited Grecker inside for safety. Once inside, he attempted to persuade her to shut the door and abandon the Jedi outside, but Sera responded by shooting him in the chest with a blaster.
When the Closed forces arrived, drawn to the location by Grecker's flare, they were confronted by Kenobi. Grecker, wounded but still alive, instructed his clan members to eliminate Kenobi. However, they were interrupted by the Open, who possessed operational mechs. Kenobi attempted to persuade Grecker to end the hostilities, but Mother Pran, piloting a mech, attacked and killed Grecker.