In the year 3680 BBY, which marked the second year of the Great Galactic War, a wave of public protests erupted on Coruscant. This world, serving as the capital of the Galactic Republic, witnessed these demonstrations as a reaction to political squabbles within the Galactic Senate and the Sith Empire's aggressive incursions into the Outer Rim Territories. Growing unease had begun to permeate Galactic City following the Empire's series of conquests and brutal acts in the Outer Rim. However, the situation escalated dramatically after the Republic suffered a devastating defeat in the Tingel Arm and the Empire initiated a siege on the Minos Cluster. While the Senate remained deadlocked in political disputes over the optimal response to the invasion, members of the Jedi Order proceeded with a plan to liberate the Minos worlds. This departure, coupled with the continued inaction of Republic leaders, plunged the people of Coruscant into a state of panic, triggering widespread demonstrations that included political gatherings, anti-war rallies, and outbreaks of violent rioting. This period of unrest persisted for several days, eventually subsiding as tales of Jedi heroism in the besieged Minos Cluster reached Coruscant.

The Great Galactic War ignited in 3681 BBY when a resurgent Sith Empire commenced an invasion of the Galactic Republic's dominion. In the conflict's initial days, the Republic endured repeated setbacks across the Outer Rim Territories of the galaxy, victims of the Imperial Military's swift offensives and meticulously planned strategies. Caught off guard by this rapid assault, the Republic Military reacted slowly, enabling the Imperials to capture significant territory and instill fear among Republic citizens. Although the efficiency of the Sith war machine hindered the rapid dissemination of accurate battlefield reports, information regarding the Empire's formidable power gradually spread throughout the Republic. Accounts of the destruction of a diplomatic convoy at the galaxy's edge, the defection of the Aparo sector, the rout of a Republic fleet in the Tingel Arm, the Sith's recapture of Korriban, and the Empire's massacre of Sluis Van's defenders collectively heightened tensions and anxieties, particularly within Coruscant, the Republic's capital world and center of power.
The Sith Emperor's scheme to destabilize the galaxy was amplified when the Republic's Galactic Senate failed to formulate a cohesive defense strategy during an emergency congressional session. Differing opinions arose among Republic leaders regarding the appropriate response to the Sith threat. Some advocated for deliberate and measured actions, asserting that the Empire was merely another in a long line of minor upstart factions that had previously challenged the Republic. Others, including the High Council of the Jedi Order, argued for a swift and decisive response to the Empire. However, even among those who favored decisive action, disagreements persisted. Senators concerned for the safety of their own planets opposed decisions that left their constituents vulnerable to the Sith, resulting in chaotic debates and insurmountable political deadlock. The failure of these negotiations led to the withdrawal of military support from diplomatic allies, leaving most Republic sectors to defend themselves and exacerbating the fear among the Republic's populace.

With minimal resistance from the Republic, the Sith Empire initiated a large-scale invasion of the Minos Cluster that same year. In 3680 BBY, the Jedi, unwilling to remain passive as the Sith ravaged the Outer Rim, assembled a fleet of battle cruisers to transport their Knights to the Minos Cluster to defend its inhabitants. These events proved to be a pivotal moment, and immediately following the Jedi's departure, pandemonium erupted on Coruscant. Hysteria consumed the populace as news continued to arrive, detailing Imperial conquests that horrified many Coruscanti. Some organized large political rallies in support of the war effort, while others convened to demand restraint in the conflict against the Sith. Simultaneously, riots and looting plagued sections of Galactic City, all stemming from fears of the Empire's advance towards the Core Worlds.
Jedi who remained on Coruscant found themselves largely unable to quell the rioting and expressed sorrow at witnessing the Republic's citizens succumb to fear. This turmoil persisted for days until reports of the Jedi's efforts in the Minos Cluster began to reach Coruscant. News of their sacrifices and other heroic deeds inspired the Republic's people, and the riots soon subsided.
The citizens of Coruscant, reassured by the Jedi's actions, shifted their focus from violence and upheaval to more patriotic pursuits. Immediately after the riots ended, Coruscanti citizens began enlisting in the Republic Military to join the Jedi in battle. This surge in military registrations coincided with a shift in the political climate; senators began to address the issue of defense strategy with less self-interest, working together to develop a comprehensive plan of action. It was at this juncture that the Republic began to secure some of its initial victories in the war. On the planet Eliad and other battlefields within the Minos Cluster, Republic soldiers fought alongside the Jedi, repelling the Sith invaders. Likewise, a revitalized Republic naval fleet broke the crippling blockade of the Rimma Trade Route.
Although open violence had diminished in the capital, the people of Coruscant continued to endure hardship in the years that followed. The onset of the war plunged the Republic into a severe economic depression that persisted for decades. The economic struggles of the Coruscanti transformed into genuine concerns about starvation and death in 3661 BBY, when the Mandalorian warrior clans, allied with the Empire, blockaded the Hydian Way. This blockade disrupted the flow of food supplies to the Core Worlds, causing immense suffering and the resurgence of mass riots in the lower levels of Coruscant. In the years after the Great Galactic War, Jedi Grand Master Satele Shan reflected on her memories of Coruscant during the riots of 3680 BBY. She included her experiences in a primary source volume on the war, expressing her own sorrow over the desperation on Coruscant and her optimistic assessment of what the event revealed about the Republic's democracy.
The Coruscant riots and demonstrations of 3,680 BBY were first presented to Star Wars lore in 2011, with the publication of The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural, a concise reference work included with Collector's Edition versions of Star Wars: The Old Republic. Robert Chestney authored the book, adopting the roles of Jedi Masters Gnost-Dural and Satele Shan. The latter recounts the demonstrations from a first-person, in-universe perspective.
- The Journal of Master Gnost-Dural (First mentioned)