Crix (disambiguation)

The name Crix (also seen as Krix) functioned as a given name. Within the scope of Star Wars Legends, Crix was a typical male moniker of Corellian heritage. It could potentially point to:





  • General Crix Madine Military Reserve: Also known as Crix Base, it was a military reserve of the Galactic Alliance positioned above Coruscant.
  • Crix-class diplomatic courier shuttle: A diplomatic shuttle utilized by the Galactic Alliance and later by the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet. An unidentified Crix-class diplomatic courier shuttle was the shuttle aboard which Galactic Alliance Remnant Admiral Gar Stazi traveled to The Wheel.
  • Crix-class assault shuttle: An assault vessel used by the Galactic Alliance, and subsequently by the Galactic Alliance Core Fleet.

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Notes and references
