
Cryopedes were beings that inhabited the city of Canto Bight, which was located on the planet known as Cantonica. During the year 3 ABY, these cryopedes managed to infiltrate the office space of Wen Delphis, the Sixth Kin gang's crime lord, by using the ventilation system in Club Tarsus. Delphis voiced her displeasure regarding this infestation, prompting a club technician to formulate a plan for their removal. However, the technician misplaced their keycard and, as a result, decided to have a drink at the club with a Sixth Kin enforcer. The enforcer brought up Delphis's complaints about the cryopedes and offered to assist the technician in locating the missing keycard following another round of beverages.

Behind the scenes

The 2024 video game, Star Wars Outlaws, developed by Massive Entertainment, includes a reference to cryopedes. The player is presented with the opportunity to eavesdrop on the discussion concerning these creatures during the game's primary narrative, potentially using this information to pilfer a keycard and gain access to Delphis's office via the vents. Alternatively, the player can bypass this step and proceed with the storyline by either bribing or creating a diversion for Vrell, the bouncer, thus gaining entry to the office without needing to overhear the conversation.

