
Crystalstorms represented a form of atmospheric phenomenon that manifested on various celestial bodies. These included Crait, a planet abundant in mineral resources; Christophsis, recognized for its crystalline composition; and Seelos, a desert world. Across these planets, the storms posed a significant danger. Specifically, on Crait, these storms were known for dislodging and propelling crystals from the subsurface layers of the planet. When the Nupayuni Mining Consortium initially mapped Crait, the mining organization constructed various facilities, notably a blast door designed to endure the force of crystalstorms. Before or during 3 BBY, Bail Organa, a prominent figure in the Rebel Alliance, founded a concealed base, or hidden outpost, on Crait. This outpost had, at one point, been subjected to a crystalstorm.

Behind the scenes

The initial reference to crystalstorms appeared in the 2017 publication Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary, authored by Pablo Hidalgo.

