Dar Champion

Dar Champion, a male human, held the elected position of District Advocate for the planet of Lanz Carpo. He was once romantically involved with Princess Leia Organa, a relationship that began during their regent training.


Early life

While Princess Leia Organa was undergoing regent training, she attended a summer mock congress where she encountered Dar Champion. Their relationship blossomed from this meeting. However, Leia abruptly ended their relationship before the graduation dance. This seemed to be due to Dar's father's indictment by the Imperial Senate for crimes involving embezzlement and abuse of power. Although Leia did not officially end things, Dar did not see his former girlfriend again until the Galactic Civil War. The conviction of his father resulted in his entire family being implicated as co-conspirators, leading Dar to spend years working to clear his name and that of his mother.

Reunion with Leia

Around the time of the Mission to Shu-Torun undertaken by the Alliance to Restore the Republic, Dar was elected as the District Advocate for Lanz Carpo in the Core Worlds. Following that mission, General Carlist Rieekan sent Leia and Han Solo to Lanz Carpo on a mission with the intent of instigating a conflict between Boss Carpo and the Galactic Empire, hoping Leia could leverage her past relationship with Champion to gain access to Carpo's Comm Center. Upon their arrival, Leia and Han were shaken down by Red Carpo Guards from the Carpo Crime Syndicate, but Champion intervened, attacking and incapacitating the guards. As he helped Leia up, she explained to Han that Dar was a former boyfriend, much to Han's displeasure. After the incident, the guards were apprehended, and Dar was questioned by Banny. However, before the suspects could be formally processed, Magistrate Eck issued a counterorder, allowing the guards to be released on bail by Boss Carpo.

Champion, seeking to compensate for the disrupted evening, offered Leia and Han drinks and shared details about his family's history. He eventually discerned the mutual affection between the pair and offered them the use of the honeymoon suite at the Grand Regent.

Personality and traits

Despite the Carpo Crime Syndicate's control over Lanz Carpo, Dar dedicated himself to upholding justice in his role as District Advocate.

