Death Trap! marked the fourth part of The Kingdom of Ice, which appeared in Pizzazz 13 during October of 1978. The complete narrative was republished in the UK within issues 57 through 60 of Star Wars Weekly–60 in 1979.
Luke Skywalker informs Princess Leia Organa about his belief that the individual presenting himself as Colonel Odan from the Rebel Alliance is actually an imposter in service to the Galactic Empire. Leia was already wary, citing the damaged state of Odan's War Sled from battle, along with his failure to provide proper Rebel identification. The fake Odan realizes they are onto him and unmasks himself, seizing Leia as a prisoner and binding Luke inside the War Sled's control area. He then programs the vehicle to crash into the Geyser Sea.
In a parallel scene, the authentic Colonel Odan is discussing available strategies with C-3PO, R2-D2, and the snow demons. Their choices are limited because their snow flyer is unable to fly due to the loss of its T-3 component. R2-D2 offers to take the component's place.