Mee Deechi, who served as a Senator in the Republic Senate, maintained a dedicated workplace within the Senate Office Building situated on Coruscant.
Following the funeral held for Onaconda Farr, Mee Deechi and Halle Burtoni were conversing over drinks in Deechi's workplace when Padmé Amidala and Bail Organa approached them, seeking details regarding Farr's death. Subsequently, Amidala, Organa, and Coruscant Security Force Lieutenant Tan Divo found Deechi deceased in his workplace, the victim of a stabbing committed by Lolo Purs.
The location that would become known as Deechi's workplace made its initial appearance, though without explicit identification, in "Senate Murders," which is the fifteenth episode from second season of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated series, considered canon. Its designation as Deechi's workplace was first established in the episode's official guide published on