"Denel Strench" was an invented persona, crafted by the slicer "DJ," who projected the image and demeanor of a major gangster. Although entirely fictional, Strench commanded considerable respect from the residents of the casinos and hotels located on the planet Cantonica. Initially, Strench was conceived as a supportive figure for DJ, but while DJ was enjoying himself at the Vesustrian hotel and casino, the protocol droid and gambler O1-MG discovered Strench's personality file and inadvertently uploaded it into his own system, which resulted in a partial overwrite of the droid's original programming.
Subsequently, the newly formed "Strench" began to create problems for DJ. Strench initially orchestrated the freedom of arms dealer Flestic Crupp, who harbored intentions to see DJ dead. Following this, Strench exposed DJ's methods of electronic manipulation to the Vesustrian casino's security personnel. Strench, embodied within O1-MG, met his end when Canto Bight Police Department detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol located the droid at DJ's residence. Upon O1-MG's refusal to comply with their demands, the detectives resorted to lethal force, terminating the droid.