O1-MG, a droid specializing in protocol and an avid gambler, frequented the various casinos within the urban sprawl of Canto Bight, located on the world of Cantonica. In the galactic year of 34 ABY, O1-MG found himself in an Eclipse game alongside a human known as "DJ," whose betting habits were remarkably aggressive. Annoyed by DJ's playing style, and his apparent indifference to his losses, O1-MG tried to assist DJ by sharing the mathematical probabilities associated with such heavy wagers. DJ disregarded the droid's advice, and O1-MG was ultimately escorted from the table by law enforcement officers Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol, an action that O1-MG found offensive.

Unable to simply let the matter rest, O1-MG tracked down DJ's living quarters and proceeded to search them thoroughly. During this search, O1-MG discovered a data file containing details about "Denel Strench," a fictional character with a reputation as a notorious criminal created by DJ. O1-MG inadvertently downloaded this file into his internal systems, replacing a portion of his own programming with Strench's persona. Assuming the identity of Strench, O1-MG began to cause problems for DJ. Initially, he almost got DJ killed by the weapons dealer Flestic Crupp, and later he manipulated DJ into getting himself arrested to avoid a severe beating at the hands of the Vesustrian resort's security personnel.

Once O1-MG revealed his true identity to DJ, his vengeful scheme was cut short by the arrival of Choi and Ipol. When the droid refused to comply with their orders to surrender, the detectives resorted to blasting him into pieces.


Intrusive Gambler

O1-MG was a protocol droid with a strong interest in gambling, utilizing his programmed mathematical abilities to calculate the odds of winning hands in the holographic card game known as Eclipse. In the year 34 ABY, O1-MG was present on the planet Cantonica, engaged in a game of Eclipse at the Coruscant Hotel and Casino situated in the city of Canto Bight. The game, officiated by a Zabrak dealer, included three other participants: an Ithorian, a Twi'lek, and the human data expert known only as DJ.

O1-MG tries to give DJ gambling advice.

When DJ was presented with the choice to "hit" or "stand," and the dealer opted to stand, DJ decided to hit. Believing this to be a mistake, O1-MG suggested that DJ should stand, providing him with the statistical probabilities of success based on his current playing style. Despite the dealer's agreement, DJ ignored the advice and lost, displaying a remarkable lack of concern for what O1-MG described as "the gross global product of a small but relatively thriving Middle Rim planet." O1-MG's persistent nagging caused the Twi'lek player to leave the table.

O1-MG was further disturbed by DJ's behavior when the slicer openly tipped a waitress with a third of his chips before giving the dealer the remainder, except for a single chip. Unbeknownst to everyone else, DJ was using a virus to hack the Eclipse table, where the more money he lost, the more he would eventually win.

Shortly thereafter, Canto Bight Police investigators Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol arrived at the table to question DJ while also participating in the game. With the Ithorian having already left, Choi urged O1-MG to leave so they could have DJ to themselves. After a futile protest, O1-MG departed from the table, grumbling to himself as he walked away.

"Denel Strench"

As "Denel Strench," O1-MG orchestrated a brief scuffle between DJ and Flestic Crupp.

Fueled by anger over these events, O1-MG resolved to seek revenge by examining DJ's belongings in his apartment. While searching, O1-MG discovered a data file concerning an individual named "Denel Strench," known in Canto Bight as a dangerous criminal figure. However, Strench was a fictional identity created by DJ for use as an asset when necessary. O1-MG accidentally downloaded the file into his core memory, and the detailed biography was potent enough to overwrite a portion of O1-MG's own identity.

Adopting the persona of Strench, O1-MG began to vent his frustrations on DJ, starting by releasing the Rodian arms supplier Flestic Crupp from incarceration and informing him of DJ's location. As it turned out, Crupp was tracked down and arrested on suspicion of a crime he did not commit, which then led back to Strench, whose last known associate was DJ. Crupp's revenge on DJ was thwarted, however, by the security force of the Vesustrian resort, led by Dezmoont.

Following this, O1-MG hacked Dezmoont's surveillance droid, utilizing slicing skills acquired from DJ's information banks, and observed DJ scamming the Vesustrian Eclipse tables in the same manner as he had scammed the Coruscant tables. As Strench, O1-MG sent the video back to Dezmoont, who decided to eliminate DJ himself, despite promising "Strench" that he would spare him so that "Strench" could finish DJ personally. With the assistance of Choi and Ipol, DJ managed to escape the casino.

Fold and Bust

Detectives Choi and Ipol destroyed O1-MG when he refused to surrender.

O1-MG, utilizing the hacked droid camera, pursued DJ as he boarded the vehicle of the racer Groff Fordly, who had previously offered DJ a ride. Fordly sped through Canto Bight, pursued by Dezmoont's own speeders and O1-MG. Although both speeders were eventually lost, O1-MG's camera droid maintained its pursuit and eventually confronted DJ after the slicer forced Fordly to crash into a parked vehicle in front of Canto Bight law enforcement personnel.

DJ correctly identified the camera droid's controller as a corrupted O1-MG, leading DJ to wonder how long ago he had created the "Strench" character. Regardless, Choi and Ipol went to DJ's apartment and found O1-MG still searching through his belongings. The detectives ordered O1-MG to surrender, a command that the droid ignored. Consequently, Choi and Ipol shot him, simultaneously destroying both O1-MG and "Strench."


A droid with a mathematical inclination, whom DJ believed to be constrained by his programming, O1-MG was simply bewildered by DJ's unpredictable betting behavior, unaware that it was merely part of the slicer's plan to cheat the Eclipse table. However, DJ's seemingly random strategies prompted O1-MG to at least attempt to help DJ make more informed choices. The more DJ dismissed him, though, the more confused and perplexed O1-MG became, with his greatest bewilderment stemming from DJ's generous tipping.

O1-MG was largely confused by DJ's actions throughout their shared game of Eclipse.

O1-MG was further offended by Detective Choi's rude dismissal of the droid's desire to participate in the Eclipse game, and he concluded that negotiating with the detective would be futile. The series of confusing and enraging events led O1-MG to commit the criminal act of breaking and entering into DJ's apartment, which resulted in the droid downloading the identity of the fake criminal "Denel Strench" into his core.

As "Strench," O1-MG's vengefulness manifested in the form of causing DJ endless trouble, culminating in the elimination of DJ's "Strench" character, his status as a fugitive from at least two establishments, and his arrest by Canto Bight's authorities. O1-MG's refusal to submit after being apprehended led to his termination.

Behind the scenes

O1-MG made an appearance in the 2018 one-shot comic Star Wars: The Last Jedi – DJ – Most Wanted 1, a supplementary story to the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, authored by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker.

Although the majority of panels featuring O1-MG depicted him with photoreceptors lacking pupils, O1-MG's final appearance in the comic inexplicably showed him drawn with pupils.

