
Dezmoont, alternatively referred to as The Moont or simply Moont, held a high-ranking position as a security guard for the Vesustrian hotel and casino located on the planet of Cantonica in the year 34 ABY. Subsequent to a slicer known as "DJ" defrauding the Coruscant Hotel and Casino, DJ hired Dezmoont to escort him to the Vesustrian. Fully cognizant of DJ's proclivities, Dezmoont pledged to vigilantly observe DJ, shadowing the slicer's every move throughout the resort. However, upon discovering that gangster Denel Strench was purportedly targeting DJ, Dezmoont intensified DJ's security detail.

In truth, Strench was a fabrication of DJ's imagination. Despite this, the "Strench" persona—now commandeered by a vengeful droid DJ had competed against in a game of Eclipse—informed Dezmoont of DJ's attempts to cheat the Vesustrian Eclipse tables. Dezmoont attempted to detain DJ, but the slicer managed to escape with the assistance of Canto Bight police detectives and a podracer pilot, ultimately resulting in DJ's prison confinement, thereby eluding Dezmoont's reach.


Early life

Dezmoont's birth occurred on Melm, where his parents bestowed upon him his moniker, believing it to be an uptic term for "The Mountain." Ironically, "moont" held no significance in uptic whatsoever. Growing up on Melm, Dezmoont never envisioned a more luxurious existence for himself.

Eventually, Dezmoont found himself on the planet of Cantonica and successfully obtained a high-ranking position as a security guard at the Vesustrian, a hotel and casino resort nestled within the city of Canto Bight. Dezmoont, now more widely recognized as "The Moont," relished his occupation due to the opportunities it afforded him to inflict justified acts of violence upon disorderly or unscrupulous patrons.

"High Roll"

Personal concierge

Dezmoont and his guards collect DJ for his escort.

During the year 34 ABY, Dezmoont, accompanied by a contingent of security personnel, journeyed to the Coruscant Hotel and Casino in response to a request from a patron known as "DJ," who sought an escort to the Vesustrian. Upon arrival, Dezmoont discovered DJ and Canto Bight Police Department detectives Oosha Choi and Pol Ipol confronting the Coruscant's proprietor, Jorka Edy, and two of his own security guards. As it transpired, Edy had apprehended DJ cheating at a game of Eclipse and demanded the return of his funds. However, rather than escalating the matter in the presence of Dezmoont, and perceiving greater value in allowing DJ to defraud the Vesustrian, Edy permitted Dezmoont and his team to escort DJ away from both the Coruscant and the authorities.

Nevertheless, Dezmoont possessed a keen awareness of DJ's scams and slicer capabilities, and therefore vowed to maintain a vigilant watch over DJ's activities within the Vesustrian, threatening violence should DJ be caught engaging in illicit behavior. Prior to entering the gaming areas, Dezmoont and DJ embarked on a tour of the resort, visiting a fathier race track, a dissected tauntaun exhibit, and a restaurant.

Recalling and having overheard a conversation between DJ and the Canto Bight officers, Dezmoont inquired whether DJ was currently being targeted by anyone, to which DJ responded with "Denel Strench." Acknowledging Strench's notoriety as a gangster, Dezmoont augmented DJ's security measures. While at an Eclipse table, DJ, irritated by Dezmoont's constant surveillance, suggested that the security guard instead monitor him from a remote cam droid. Dezmoont consented, stipulating that if he caught DJ cheating, he would be authorized to break every bone in the slicer's body.

Clocking in for real

However, sometime after Dezmoont's departure, he received a personal communication from Strench, who informed him that DJ was indeed cheating at Eclipse. Accompanied by several other security guards, Dezmoont confronted DJ, who had once again met with detectives Choi and Ipol. Dezmoont explained that Strench had revealed to him the precise methods by which DJ was hacking the system, and further vowed to kill DJ for his transgression.

Dezmoont kept close tabs on DJ while in the Vesustrian, which put them at odds with each other.

While Choi and Ipol impeded Dezmoont's men, DJ made his way to the nearby speeder belonging to podracer Groff Fordly, who had previously promised DJ a ride. Dezmoont boarded his own speeder and, alongside another, pursued the fleeing slicer. The pair managed to cause Dezmoont's escort to crash, transforming the escape into a one-on-one pursuit. DJ successfully evaded Dezmoont when he instructed Fordly to blindly turn a corner, resulting in a collision with a larger vehicle being overseen by Canto Bight officers.

DJ was taken into custody, knowing that, while the law generally favored the jurisdiction of the casinos over the local police, the casinos lacked the authority of extradition, ensuring his safety behind bars. As DJ was detained, Dezmoont observed from a distance and, powerless to continue his pursuit, departed the scene.

Ironically, Denel Strench was merely a fictitious persona concocted by DJ to aid him in his endeavors. Dezmoont was actually contacted by a spiteful protocol droid gambler who, while snooping around DJ's apartment, inadvertently uploaded Strench's data-file into its core.

Personality and traits

Dezmoont relished both violence and the idea of unleashing said violence on DJ.

Dezmoont, a pale-yellow skinned member of a humanoid species, harbored a deep affection for violence. The mere prospect of catching DJ cheating, thereby enabling him to inflict pain upon the human, delighted Dezmoont—this extended to Dezmoont agreeing to refrain from interfering with DJ on the condition that he could freely pulverize DJ if the slicer was caught cheating. The security guard openly expressed his love of violence to DJ, and made veiled allusions to having dismembered a being.

Dezmoont was also amused by the financial losses DJ inflicted upon the Coruscant Hotel and Casino, but recognizing the potential danger DJ posed to the Vesustrian, Dezmoont shadowed DJ's every move and engaged him in constant conversation to prevent him from cheating. DJ regarded Dezmoont as both dangerous and as insane as a Kowakian monkey-lizard on pol pollen.

Although largely unfazed by combat, the police, and Jorka Edy, upon learning that DJ was being pursued by the supposed gangster Delen Strench, Dezmoont adopted a more stoic demeanor and intensified his security measures. Dezmoont had a penchant for smoking, and his chin was adorned with tattoos.

Behind the scenes

Dezmoont was conceived for the 2018 one-shot comic book Star Wars: The Last Jedi – DJ – Most Wanted 1, a tie-in narrative for the film Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, authored by Ben Acker and Ben Blacker.

The tattoos on Dezmoont's chin exhibit a tendency to change color from panel to panel. In most instances, the tattoos are a light blue hue, yet in some instances they appear black.

